Ride Apprentice
Posts by CaptainOlimar
The Scooter Wars will be a bloodbath — and Uber will win [Recode]
The founder of Sidecar (the failed rideshare company) makes bold claim. Mirrors his experience on his failed battle against Uber. … -
Lyft Driver Shot At By 2 Suspects in Detroit, MI [YouTube]
Have you guys seen this video? It's from last year, but I hadn't. -
SF Uber driver accidentally takes the stairs
Why can't Uber stay out of the news. Not only that, everything is so dramatic. I mean, I get it … -
Have you ever been recorded inside an Uber and a taxi?
Can I rate other passengers on Lyft Line? I should be able to.
Do Uber drivers get paid for additional stops? Say, I ask to pick up a friend?
...and while at it, what about the carpool options? UberPool or LyftLine?
Probably not nearly as much as for people drivers. I mean drivers who drive people instead of food.
I assume the companies don’t mind kids being in the car while they deliver food. With passengers that’d be troublesome.
LOL. Yet again, something no one wants is being slammed down our throats in the name of high tech and innovation.
Those batteries are horrible for the environment, and they don't eve know what to do about it once they go bad.
It's the same problem with Prius and other hybrids.
You will love the driverless Ubers.
I hope she is famous or it wouldn't be interesting at all. How anti-climatic would it be if she reveals herself and the riders have no idea.
Yes, but a smart human would hide it better.
I mean, let's be real here. It's okay to watch porn but this guy (or girl) was in public watching this and doing whatever else. I feel like a few lines have been crossed here.
I also feel like Uber and Lyft drivers drive safely and cautious because slightest errors or accidents can have them be deactivated. That I bet is not the case with taxi companies.
Uber gets beaten up for not running enough background tests, but do taxi companies really do those things? They drive like maniacs
IPO day is way too late to make a difference. definitely not in terms of financials and other performance metrics.
I love Aziz.
why does everyone drive fast? deep.
Uber didn't do anything wrong. They can't be responsible for everything drivers do. Come on'.
Desperation. It's the equivalent of selling your soul.
Nope. No way to send direct messages. Public posts only!
Maybe you can contact the admins, but I doubt they'll give you the emails.
This guy is a great story teller.
Also sincere. His last sentence shows that he is an honest individual and isn't afraid to admit and apologize for his mistakes. We've all done or said stupid things.
So basically be a better person
But she says the phone email and text die too
You are very far from 3.0, so don't worry. Did you see this article on being deactivated for having less than 4 stars?
Uber passengers in Australia and New Zealand will get banned from the app if their rating drops below 4 stars
I can't imagine that the economics work for this. Delivering stuff is not a high margin job. People don't like to pay for people's time and fuel to just have something delivered. PIzza and Chinese are the only exceptions. All others have another purpose, like flowers that get sent to friends faraway.
The reason it's under their "community guidelines" because it isn't legal for them to enfore this rule on the drivers and potentially riders. The drivers are independent contractors in their own vehicles, and they should be able to carry whatever they like and what the law allows.
Of course, Lyft can make up any rules they want and they can enforce it by deactivating the offenders.
Carrying a Swiss Army knife is definitely illegal. I think you would be okay.
Yeah, I believe the founder of Jump is an x-Uber employee. He sold himself back to Uber.
Potential corruption? All part of a scheme? Who knows what else happened under the table.