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Website That Shames Drivers For Stopping In Bike Lanes Gets City Ticket Agency’s Attention

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1448 Rider
 Posted 6 years, 3 months ago


From Block Club Chicago: Bike Lane Uprising features photos of cars or trucks (and their license plates) obstructing bike lanes — could the city start using the site to ticket people?


    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago

    Holy crap. Just read the article and the dept of finance in Chicago brings in 264 million a year in tickets?! That is crazy.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      236 Rider Driver
       6 years ago

      A lot of local police departments rely on ticket fines for a large part of their budget. Seems wrong to me.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    236 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    I'm not really a big fan of public shaming... but on the other hand, sometimes I am... Check this article out from Boston today about a rich a-hole parking his lambo in a handicap spot... and getting away with it...


    Show Hide  8 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 1448 Rider
       6 years ago

      Bike Lane abuse is totally out of control here in Chicago. Not just ridesharites, but they do seem to be the biggest culprits.

        {{ ratingSum }}
        1072 Rider Driver
         6 years ago

        If rideshare drivers waiting for a pickup is a problem, then the solution is obvious... riders need to be on the curb and ready to go when the driver arrives, with NO STANDING TIME waiting while riders dick around inside their houses.  The driver shows up, and if you're not on the curb waiting, ride is cancelled with a cancellation fee. 

          {{ ratingSum }}
           6 years ago

          Genius. Why couldn't we figure this out before?

          Sort of reminds me of this video skit.  "1 page book on don't spend money you don't have"

      {{ ratingSum }}
       6 years ago

      "The car being too low to the ground" is an example of rich getting away?  Guys, this is a little misguided.  I can make my Honda have custom made bumpers and make it low, but they'll still tow it.  The problem here is that the potential damage to this lambo exceeds the tow truck's insurance policy.  Maybe I am being a sticker.

      “The cops did everything they could,” Kubitschek said. “The cops were upset, the truck driver . . . it is what it is. It’s a classic example of some rich [expletive] being an [expletive].” He offered several other descriptive adjectives, all of which are accurate and none of which are printable.

      I think the real workings here (and why this dude or girl park there) is because $120 ticket and/or $150 towing fees will not really impact people who can afford a $250K car. 

        {{ ratingSum }}
        599 Rider
         6 years ago

        I read recently that in one of those socialist scandanavian countries (norway maybe?), traffic tickets are set to be proportional to one's wealth. Not sure I agree with that approach fully but I do agree that it doesn't make sense for them to be this low when you are dealing with a someone ultra rich.

        {{ ratingSum }}
        236 Rider Driver
         6 years ago

        Ooh, so if I cut the springs on my 2002 toyota camry, I can both look super duper cool, AND avoid getting towed?? Awesome!

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago

    "Public shaming" and "crowd sourcing" go hand in hand. What a powerful combination, a byproduct of the modern world.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    1072 Rider Driver
     6 years ago  (edited 6 years ago)

    If tickets can be issued based on private photos, can we begin to submit pictures of bicyclists riding illegally too?  Where can we send dashcam video proof?  Where would this madness end?  Unless the person submitting the evidence is a sworn officer, I don't see how this could be upheld in court. When did the infraction occur?  What address?  Was the shown address within the citys jurisdiction?  How do you prevent abuse, and stop rogue bicyclists from recycling old photos?

    Show Hide  4 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
      189 Driver
       6 years ago

      Whether a digital photo can be treated as a proof of traffic infraction...I remember this being a big deal in 1990s where red lights cameras were being installed.  I believe that was pushed up to the state level law enforncement.  Never made it to federal.... meaning in some states they can, and some you can't. (And yes, I remember gettnig a ticket. this was baltimore in 1999)

        {{ ratingSum }}
        622 Rider Driver
         6 years ago

        Yes, I believe that's correct.  In Massachusetts, I've gotten tickets at tollbooths.

        Before you judge me, it was my transponder (EZ Pass) that failed to work.  They negated my ticket right away.

        {{ ratingSum }}
        1072 Rider Driver
         6 years ago

        I agree that a digital photo can, in some cases, be used as evidence, however the photos need to be taken by city cameras, or by cameras owned and certified by companies under contract with the city for that purpose.  The "photo evidence" still needed to be "sworn/certified" by the company to be true before teh city was able to use it as evidence.  I don't see how that requirement could be reconciled in any agreement with a open bike club.

        FWIW I have zero tickets/accidents since getting my license in 1974, but my husband got a letter in the mail a few years ago with a  ticket and an enclosed picture showing him running a red light. LOL 

          {{ ratingSum }}
          189 Driver
           6 years ago

          oh, right.  yeah.  You wrote "private photos."  I totally agree.  Total crap.

          People can be set up and you can make anything look like a infraction.  bad idea.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    259 Driver
     6 years ago

    How else are we supposed to wait for our fares?