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We're building a lounge for drivers...What's important to have?

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211 Rider Guru
 Posted 6 years, 8 months ago

LegalRideshare Lounge. What goes in it? 

Hello everyone! 

I just started working for LegalRideshare in Chicago -- the only lawfirm entirely dedicate to Uber and Lyft accidents and injuries. Because I've been thrust into the rideshare role as more than just a passenger, I really started getting a "drivers-seat" look into what it takes to be a driver and the challenges that come with it. One of the first things that struck me was rest stops: There's nowhere for drivers to easily take a break, go to the bathroom, or just recharge. Atleast without a fee. 

Which is why we're building a lounge in Chicago!

I just wanted to see what input drivers on this forum may have about things we could add to make their lives better. Food / drinks? Charging stations? Games? What will benefit you the most as a driver? How often would you come by? 


    {{ ratingSum }}
    8198 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    When I need to make a stop it would be great if there was one place that would have eveything I may need. A clean restroom, vaccum, air machine, mac machine  (no fee or keep it low at 1.00).

    Dont know how far you want to take this or how big you want it to be but here are a few other suggestions. Maybe a small store that would carry smokes, air freshners, car products (paper towels, wipes, oil,  tire shine, fix a flat, etc) keep those things at a decent price (maybe not walmart cheap but not gas station expensive). Hate having to stop at a Wal Mart or other big store but also hate buying these things in a small gas station mini mart that cost a fortune. Lottery machine.  You could make some money off this also. If it gets busy add a Food Truck. You have a good idea here. Gives drivers a place to hang out & meet other drivers, straighten up their car, grab some snacks or whatever they may need. If they need to take a nap or they are from out of state they would have a…


    When I need to make a stop it would be great if there was one place that would have eveything I may need. A clean restroom, vaccum, air machine, mac machine  (no fee or keep it low at 1.00).

    Dont know how far you want to take this or how big you want it to be but here are a few other suggestions. Maybe a small store that would carry smokes, air freshners, car products (paper towels, wipes, oil,  tire shine, fix a flat, etc) keep those things at a decent price (maybe not walmart cheap but not gas station expensive). Hate having to stop at a Wal Mart or other big store but also hate buying these things in a small gas station mini mart that cost a fortune. Lottery machine.  You could make some money off this also. If it gets busy add a Food Truck. You have a good idea here. Gives drivers a place to hang out & meet other drivers, straighten up their car, grab some snacks or whatever they may need. If they need to take a nap or they are from out of state they would have a safe place to park.  Get other business to give you discount cards for Uber/Lyft drivers. Car washes, gas stations, Tire places ,Pep Boys, etc... They get the business, drivers get a discount, you are helping the drivers. You can even ask these businesses to put a code on the card and everytime someone uses the code to purchase something you get a small fee ($1/$2). Make drivers show you their app so you just have rideshare drivers and not just general public takung up spots. 

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    {{ ratingSum }}
    41 Driver
     5 years ago

    Parking, snacks and bathroom. Have those and you will be super popular. 

    If spots are expensive, time box every person. To like 15 minutes. It will still be a nice place to stop by for a pee break