Do you know what the rates in the city you drive were a year or two ago? Do you still think you're profitable?
What are the rates for Uber&Lyft in your city? How long have you been driving?
Posted 5 years, 6 months ago
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Sergio Avedian (Uberserge)
Ride Apprentice from Los Angeles, CA
Blogger, Podcaster, Active Rideshare Driver/Coach
Active Uber/Lyft driver in Los Angeles, contributing writer for Rideguru and RSG (The Rideshare Guy), podcaster, rideshare driver coach, independent consultant to rideshare and tech companies.
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Passenger rates here seem to have stayed the same over the past few years.
Driver rates here have fluctuated, partially due to the change from percentage based pay to mileage+time, but also because surge was ripped ut from under us, as was all the bonuses, boosts, and other incentives to keep us around.
Reviewing my records, in 2017 Uber took an average of 26%. In 2018 that increased to 35%. In 2019 things see to be stabilizing, with their average take this year jumping between 30 and 35%.
Ok, where do you drive? What do you make per mile and minute? You’re on flat surge, all bonuses, boost is gone but there are other incentives to keep you around? What incentives? Uber Pro?😂
Uber X
$1.11 /mile
$0.1875 /minute
Not as good as it used to be, but better than the bullshit flat "surge" rates that people chase in other markets like Los Angeles. 😈
UberPro? Yeah. I don't accumulate enough "points," my accept rate is way too low and my cancel rate is way too high. Not that it matters, because when I did play that game when it came out, it seemed like Uber sent me all the lowest rated drivers and pool/express runs, assuming that I would take them to maintain my "status."
My AR for the last 4 years is mostly in the single digits, some weeks it creeps up to the teens, my CR fluctuates between 10-20%. No surge=no ride in my book.
You're misinformed, I'm in Los Angeles, we don't have flat rate surge yet, we're probably the last city not to get it since in March they cut our rates to 60 cents a mile and increased time portion to 21 cents a minute. If they bring in flat rate surge on top of those rates, there will be a revolution. 😆 Appreciate your rates as long as they last, $1.11 per mile is almost double of what we have, seems like you still have the surge multiplier as opposed to the flat rate surge as well. So, what city do you drive in again?