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What are your tips for kicking out a pax?

{{ ratingSum }}
71 Rider Driver
 Posted 7 years, 1 month ago

Had 2 very rowdy guys this past weekend and I wanted to kick them out but didnt know how or the protocol.


    {{ ratingSum }}
     7 years ago

    I always tell my rowdy passengers that I have a camera in the car and will report them if they do not calm down. Luckily this has only happend to me twice and both times it has worked.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      58 Driver Driver
       7 years ago

      great idea! Do you actually have a camera?

    {{ ratingSum }}
    26 Driver
     7 years ago

    Nevr had to but I would pull over in a well lit area to not freak them out and politely tell them to get out. This of course would be after a warning.