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Do drivers have hidden interior vehicle cameras?

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94 Rider
 Posted 6 years, 1 month ago

I have heard rumors that lots of Uber drivers have cameras in their vehicles without disclosing this information to their riders. This freaks me out.


    {{ ratingSum }}
    1602 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    There's certainly no reason to be "freaked out"... you are recorded dozens if not hundreds of times a day and you never know it.  Security cameras are on virtually every business, every bank, everywhere you go.  Heck i have 4 in my house and getting ready to add more.

    If you aren't doing anything illegal, why worry about it?  

    And yes, many drivers have cameras but they are within view, typically mounted on the front window or dash.  Most of these operate in both directions so it adds several layers of safety both for YOU as well as the driver.  I've never heard of a driver having elaborate hidden systems - those are very costly and if you knew how poorly being an Uber/Lyft driver actually paid, you would understand why the chances of anyone investing thousands into that type of system are virtually nill.

    Actually you should feel doubly safe when you enter an Uber that DOES have cameras as you have the assurance of knowing the driver isn't going to do anything foolish or aggressive either since it would all be on film!

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      810 Driver
       6 years ago

      Though the film is Driver's property :)

      If driver needs to prove passenger puked, driver reaches for the camera. If driver did something unsafe during ride, no passenger can mandate the driver fork over the film :)

    {{ ratingSum }}
    810 Driver
     6 years ago

    A smart driver should have a Dash Cam in the car looking both: to the back (through the passenger compartment), not just a rear facing camera mounted on back glass, and should have the camera look forward. I have this one 

    "Pruveeo C2 Dual Dash Cam 1920x1080P Front and Rear Car Dashboard Camera" but I would be even happier if it had infrared built-in to see better images when it is dark, like my old "Falcon Zero F360" had.

    No reason to hide the dash cam, it should be in plain view. Being in plain view in itself serves as a deterrent :)

    {{ ratingSum }}
    8198 Rider Driver
     6 years ago  (edited 6 years ago)

    I worked Home Health for a year. Some homes had cameras some didnt. The families by law had to tell me if they had them. I liked the idea because older people can fall, lose things, forget things, and tell stories that may not be true or accurate. I will say for the first few weeks it was awkward. I hate my pic being taken so much so that my kids always say "when you die we will not be able to make up those poster boards you put up in the funeral home with pics of you".  Lol  It's not about doing anything wrong but it was just knowing that someone could be watching your every move. I worked 11pm - 7am. Even though it was expected, some nights I would be sitting there reading a book or watching tv.  If patient was sleeping not much else to do. I would feel guilty because I was getting paid to sit and do nothing for 1 of my patients that slept all night. Obviously she still needed someone there as she was bed ridden. Had there been a fire emergency, or neede…


    I worked Home Health for a year. Some homes had cameras some didnt. The families by law had to tell me if they had them. I liked the idea because older people can fall, lose things, forget things, and tell stories that may not be true or accurate. I will say for the first few weeks it was awkward. I hate my pic being taken so much so that my kids always say "when you die we will not be able to make up those poster boards you put up in the funeral home with pics of you".  Lol  It's not about doing anything wrong but it was just knowing that someone could be watching your every move. I worked 11pm - 7am. Even though it was expected, some nights I would be sitting there reading a book or watching tv.  If patient was sleeping not much else to do. I would feel guilty because I was getting paid to sit and do nothing for 1 of my patients that slept all night. Obviously she still needed someone there as she was bed ridden. Had there been a fire emergency, or needed something I was there. Still was awkward. Had another patient who was up most of the night definately didnt sit and do nothing most nights. On the nights he would sleep for an hour or 2 I would dust, mop the floor, clean something, and do wash. Once I was there for a few weeks it became more comfortable and never gave cameras another thought. 

     I can totally understand riders being uncomfortable in fear they will end up on you tube:) Although drivers are not allowed to post them on social media anymore. I do notice riders still posting vids of Uber drivers though. 

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    {{ ratingSum }}
    207 Driver
     6 years ago

    I have a camera in my car, it records both inside and out.  I also have signs inside the car and outside so that when you get in, you should be aware of it.  If you ask me nicely I may turn it off.  Most cameras loop.  So they record in @ 5 min segments and start recording over the oldest file when the drive gets full.  So far no one minds.   You should not be freaked out.  If you are worried, then just act appropriately.  If you are famous, then ask them not to point the camera at you.   Drivers need the safety of knowing that if a passenger acts inappropriately they can be held accountable.  Get sexually assaulted once (as a driver) and that is enough... to make us not worry at all about you being a little freaked out.  I personally feel that if there is a camera, customers would prefer you give them a heads up... and probably the driver should.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    58 Driver Driver
     6 years ago

    I dont think this is all that common, disclosure depends on the state. Most drivers have their dashcams right out in the open.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago

    In todays world you just have to assume you are always being recorded. It is their car, just like you should always assume you are being recorded at a friends house - that's right don't go saying nasty things about your friend in the other room :)

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago

    Webcam comes in all sides. There certainly can be hidden cameras. 

    Not sure whether that legal or not. I know they have the right to record within their own vehicle and while out in public but when the camera is hidden, I think that becomes an issue. 

    Like if there was one under the seat and a woman was wearing a skirt for example. 

    It’s the whole expectation of privacy thing. 

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      188 Rider
       6 years ago

      eeeww that's gross. Is that a real thing? Up-skirt cameras in cars? 😱 

    {{ ratingSum }}
    71 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    It should be the law that drivers have dash cams - it would prevent so many fake claims by riders! If your not doing anything wrong why would you care?

    {{ ratingSum }}
    18 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    I agree, I hate it when I break into someone's house and they dont disclose that its being recorded on video                    

    {{ ratingSum }}
    77 Driver
     6 years ago

    If you not doing anything wrong why would it bother you?

    {{ ratingSum }}
    120 Rider
     6 years ago


    {{ ratingSum }}
    447 Rider Driver Driver
     6 years ago

    People are being recorded even in their own homes so I do not post or advertise that I have a camera in my car and will not disclose that information.

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