This is my first Halloween, is it worth it? I live in Chicago.
Are you planning on driving tomorrow (halloween)?
Posted 6 years, 4 months ago
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I did drive last year and it wasnt very busy. The people I picked up were just going about their daily routine. Picked no one up that had anything to do with Halloween. I am going to drive tomorrow but going to head out a little earlier than last year. Tuesday and Wednesday nights are slow here in Philly I dont think it will change much because of Halloween. This past weekend was busy here at bars for Halloween. Sorry I cant be of more help since I dont live in Chicago.
Right, it's the kids who are out on a Wednesday. Adults aren't out there drinking and going out. They are probably busy driving the kids around. :)
I was going to say that the big day was the Saturday prior. All the Halloween parties and themed bar/restaurant events. The truth though? It didn't seem as busy as regular weekend. I guess the demand kept up until later, maybe?
I was told by another driver that I should have been out during the day on Saturday. like 1~4PM.
I am already busy on Saturday nights, so Halloween or not, I am constantly driving. The surge patterns are different of course.
Yes, you should have been out Saturday during the day. Lots of stuff going around town.
I would be very careful driving especially at night, a smany kids dress in dark clothing so potentially dangerous drivers do not spot them easier :) - you know what I mean, be very careful - with all the kids out there. This may also mean picking up passengers with kids and no bosster seats
How did you guess? Lol Request for XL pulled up surprise, surprise, 3 adults a 3, 5, and 7 yr old. When people request a ride with children who need a car seat and they dont have the seat with them driver should get a fee. That would stop these idiots. Same with having 5 riders who order X. Charge them for making driver show up knowing they are not supposed to do this. If Uber/Lyft would charge this crap would stop. Uber/Lyft dont care because they know one driver may decline these people but another will pick them up. Thankfully I only had to drive 2 blocks. I didnt even stop just drove by and cancelled.
I was out there. It was disappointing. Perhaps it was because it was a Wednesday but I thought the warm weather will get people out.
I guess by people I mean kids. They don't take Ubers, do they. LOL.
I drive in Chicago and it is worth it, definitely busier than most nights. I bet this upcoming weekend will be big too. If you are up for it, I hit a big surge last year late at night around 2am.