He seems to be better than the last one, but I am curious what everyone thinks about how Uber's new CEO is doing, given that Uber always seems to be in "crisis" mode.
What do you think of Uber's new CEO Dara Khosrowshahi?
Posted 6 years, 10 months ago
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Dara is just another powerful douchey CEO, getting paid tens of millions, to play the game of controlling people's perceptions. These CEOs know how to play the game and put on a good show. I mean...that's their job. To look good, to seem innocent and genuine, and promise a good future.
With that said? I think he is doing a horrible job convinging people he is genuine. I think he is pretty evil and it leaks through. You guys don't remember this story?
With a Single, Insulting Tweet, Uber's CEO Just Destroyed Months of Hard Work
Yeah, he does look pretty evil. The black dude in shades just adds another color. He just wreaks of corruption and douche.
I don't see a black dude. In fact, I don't think any black people work at Uber. and certainly won't be near Dara.
Oops. I mean "a dude in black shades."
Uber has a racist and psychotic CEO and whoever sends racist, nasty derogatory statements to peoples inboxes..They should be sued for these type of tactics.
He is hardly new at this point...
The reputation of the CEO is always measured by the reputation of the company. What I mean is that even if the CEO is this amazing person with seemingly almost no flaws, but the company sucks, the CEO will get a bad reputation by default. Most of the time this isn't the case, because when you have a strong leader at the face of your company, those values trickle down to the very bottom level.
This isn't quite fair in Dara's case though. Travis made Uber a terrible company and of course it will take time to dig themselves out of the hole. You can't judge Dara based on Uber's reputation quite yet.
I disagree. The whole point of bringing in a new CEO is to overhaul the image of the company. Sure, the reputation won't change overnight, but at least now they can blame Travis, the guy who isn't there anymore.
Sure, it's some B_school game, but hey it works.
The biggest thing Uber is going through right now is that self-driving car crash that happened a while back. It was just released that the car actually made the decision not to stop for the pedestrian (what?). More information about the crash here..
That's crazy! Definitely not a good look for the company..and the CEO.
He seems to be doing some pretty cool things, like introduce new technologies for Uber like flying taxis. I think he is trying to change the headlines about Uber, which is a good thing.
Flying taxis - what a fucking asshole.
I think he is a lot better than Travis. But at this point, it's a little hard to tell. Right now I think Dara is focused more on doing damage control for all the things Travis messed up on. Uber's reputation isn't that great, and Dara has said that one of his goals is to help change that and bring Uber back to the public in a positive light.