I've had this happen a couple times where the card on my account was expired. I would always update it so I could continue giving rides. However, I have a feeling passengers might take advantage of this and never update their card / refute the charge on their credit card, etc.. Do drivers still get paid by Uber/Lyft in these situations?
What happens if a passenger refuses to pay? Do drivers still get paid?
Posted 6 years, 6 months ago
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It helps that most rideshares are cashless, meaning all passengers are required to keep a credit card on file in order to take a ride. There is no option to pay in cash, which reduces the number of people who might otherwise potentially try to skip out on paying cash.
This happens in taxis more often when people try to escape the car and run away before paying.
I would think that the driver does not get paid until after the passenger pays. Uber would not just pay them out of pocket! Hah.
My guess is that when a pasenger requests a ride, Uber/Lyft will electronically ensure card is in good standing prior to dispatching a signal to find a driver. If card is expired then there should not really be a way to get the driver dispatched (in my opinion). And if the driver does get dispatched with passenger's card being expired then Uber?Lyft would absolutely have to pay the driver no matter what. last thing they need is to lose another driver which costs them $1,000's to recruit for their internal mistakes:)
Agreed, I would think the driver would still get paid. Uber would take the loss but suspend the rider.