What is Uber's "On-Trip Reporting" feature and how does it work?
Posted 5 years, 5 months ago
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Serg is correct.
Just an FYI (newer feature in my market for both rider & driver) Uber allows riders to rate and tip the driver in their rider app while still on their trip. It's nice because we can personally thank the rider if we see it before they exit our car. Uber does send a little thank you message. However I would love it if Uber would allow us to send a message to the rider to thank them personally. I appreciate each & every tip regardless of the amount. They all help especially when gas price increase or Uber & Lyft cut our rates. Passengers can send drivers a badge or a note but drivers cannot send in to riders. Hoping that will change one day:)
If the car cones to a sudden stop or the trip takes longer than Uber estimated or the route is changed outside UBER'S navigation parameters, they'll send the passenger a text asking if everything is OK. This is nothing to do with safety, it's all about Uber trying to stop drivers from long miling trips to get paid more. In Los Angeles where rush hour traffic is horrible, every ride will take longer than their estimate. Bunch of PR BS
Some of the rides I get are crazy. If someone sat and watched me on GPS that would be like "is she an idiot" lol ? Had one few weeks back that I could see on Waze that a cop car was sitting at my pick up location. I' just shook my head and for the remainder of time imagined WTH I was getting into. Hubby, wife go tubing wife discovers keys got lost in Delaware River. They get his car which breaks down on a dark, busy, 2 lane highway. Pick female up get halfway to destination (her car) she fogot the keys to her car back at pick up location and she has the only cell. We couldnt figure out how to add stop or change address. Just headed back before tow truck left. There has been some other wacky things that happen also. Uber hasnt questioned me YET. Thats why I have dashcam.
Serg they do that in India. Was talking to a tider just last week. The driver ended up in a dark deserted road that he shouldn't of taken (just a mistake). Uber called him in seconds to ask him if all was ok.
I guess if it works in India, it'll work here 😆 there goes all my U-Z-L hauls. I wonder if they'll have something for the driver protection soon. I doubt it though.