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What non-monetary forms of compensation should/could Uber give to its drivers?

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 Posted 6 years, 5 months ago


    {{ ratingSum }}
    1602 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    It's all about the money folks.  We're private contractors.  Think about it.  When's the last time you hired a contractor and then decided to "give them" anything beyond their expected contractural compensation? 

    The real issue in my mind is that Uber/Lyft continue to increase their share of the fare's, and as long as drivers continue to allow this to happen, it will only worsen.  Greed and the need to show a profit to boost their initial IPO offering which is planned for 2019 is the primary focus of Uber at this point.

    We don't receive compensation, per se, rather we "contract" with Uber to drive for a set rate - a rate that unfortunately we have absolutely NO control over.  For us, it s a choice of "yes I will, or no I won't"...  we don't have the option to build a proposal and present/sell a contract to them, rather we take it or leave it.  And worse yet, they can change the contract rules ANY TIME THEY WANT and we can do nothing about it e…


    It's all about the money folks.  We're private contractors.  Think about it.  When's the last time you hired a contractor and then decided to "give them" anything beyond their expected contractural compensation? 

    The real issue in my mind is that Uber/Lyft continue to increase their share of the fare's, and as long as drivers continue to allow this to happen, it will only worsen.  Greed and the need to show a profit to boost their initial IPO offering which is planned for 2019 is the primary focus of Uber at this point.

    We don't receive compensation, per se, rather we "contract" with Uber to drive for a set rate - a rate that unfortunately we have absolutely NO control over.  For us, it s a choice of "yes I will, or no I won't"...  we don't have the option to build a proposal and present/sell a contract to them, rather we take it or leave it.  And worse yet, they can change the contract rules ANY TIME THEY WANT and we can do nothing about it except walk away, or accept it and continue to work.  That's our only option.  And yes they do make changes frequently. 

    Three years ago when I started, rates were much higher - nearly double, and I received exactly 80% of the fare.  Today the relationship of my pay versus the actual fare is no longer part of the formula.  Now we get a fixed rate/minute and they can (and do) charge as much as they feel they can get away with without alienating the customer.

    Do I blame Uber/Lyft for wanting to make more money?  Of course not.  That's capitalism at work, but what is so unfair is that they're doing it on the backs of an endless supply of drivers who work for a few months, figure out this gig really doesn't pay after expenses, and then are replaced by a new set of drivers willing to give it a shot.  This cycle WILL continue for a very long time folks.  There's a LOT of people out there with a car and a few hours to spare.  Uber runs a few flashy ads on TV and it inspires another set of applicants who think for a fleeting moment they're about to "live the dream"....

    But I'm hoping that the government (never thought I would EVER say this) steps in and says "stop...  we see what is happneing on hundreds of thousands of Uber Driver tax filings - we SEE that you really are taking advantgae of people - that once you deduct your mileage your earnings GO TO ZERO.  (which also means even the govenerment is getting hosed - as they receive very little  tax revenue from Uber trips after the mileage deduction).    At some point, Uber just might get forced to "at least" pay drivers at a level so that we earn minimum wage AFTER deducting mileage (or expenses)...  or we can hope that something happens that eventually fixes the forumula in such as way that this GIG actually pays at a minimal level.

    In the last three years, I've paid taxes on Uber income ONE year, and that, after deductions, was less than $100 in taxes on that portion of my tax bill.  Yet my Uber gross earnings were over $10K every year.  I've talked and read of countless other drivers who comment that "after mileage" they pay no taxes.  So folks, if we're paying NO taxes on this income then that translates to this reality... "we aren't making any money"!!!!  We're allowing Uber/Lyft to USE our cars and talents and THEY are who really benefits.  This Gig is not about US, it's about THEM.  It's  Uber/Lyft who have a valuation in the billions!!!  Not us, THEM.  We're providing THEM with a generous revenue stream when their only role is to hook up passenger A with the closest driver.  THE COMPUTER DOES THE WORK.... once it's programmed, it churns out match ups endlessly and their role is primarily to maintain the operating system.

    I truly hope this is "fixed" at some point in time with the working class in mind.  BUT Uber will fight, understandibly, and they eventually WILL become polictical and spend millions to keep their plan in place.  Sit back and watch!

    For the matter of driverless cars...  NOT TO WORRY.  Have you any idea what those cars cost?  If you ever want to see rates increase, just wait until Uber/Lyft have to maintain an expensive fleet of driverless cars.  Then my friends, you will FINALLY see the rates increase!!!!  And THEN, the new rideshare service which features REAL HUMAN DRIVERS will spring up at a rate that is even better than Uber's scary driverless cars and VOILA.....  or at least, I can hope!!!

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    {{ ratingSum }}
    8198 Rider Driver
     6 years ago  (edited 6 years ago)

    I am not sure if I should take this question seriously  or I am misunderstanding the question? What else could they give us for driving along with the money? Is that what you are asking? I would think the only reason anyone drives is to make money. More achievable promotions, increase in the fares, bonus for drivers who consistantly maintain a high rating. It would also be great if they gave the drivers respect, honesty, and trust. Sorry if I didnt answer question correctly. 

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      {{ ratingSum }}
       6 years ago

      It's talking about benefits, swags, free stuff.  Like t-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, phone accessories, stuff like that.

      Maybe even medical benefits.  or free movie tickets.  all that stuff bigger normal employers would give to its people to boost morale.  :)

      I don't blame you for taking this as a joke because money is so important to us drivers that you can't even believe people would ask about non-money things.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    224 Driver
     6 years ago

    Many people may laugh at this comment, but I feel as swags like t-shirts, sweatshirts, stickers, hats, phone cases, etc. will help the driver loyalty.   Yes, we all drive for multiple apps, and you'd think this would be a waste, but we all have some loyalty for one or the other.  For example, I drive for Uber, primarily for the streak bonuses and for simplicity sake, but yes, I do have a preference.  If Uebr can enforce that through some gear I can wear, I think I would be more inclined to stay with them.

    Remember that feeling when you were originally approved for driving for Uber, and you got this excitemennt in your heart?  This sense of pride and being a part of something?  I did. I wanted to everyone.  I feel like I am a bit jaded right now, but some swags may re-kindle that excitement.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    668 Driver
     6 years ago

    I still haven't even gotten my beacon . the light up thingie.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago

    Free coffee and donuts

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      224 Driver
       6 years ago

      Some of the greenlight hubs I hear have coffee and donuts