I got a ping in Malibu, I show up at a 20 million dollar beachfront home, some dude comes out with a box, opens the rear pax door, puts the box down and says thank you. I asked him I can’t take a sealed box without knowing what’s in it, he says it’s nothing illegal, I said it won’t fly, I need to see the contents, he opens it up, it was about 10 bottles of CBD oil. I know weed is legal in CA but I didn’t think I could carry that much of it. Ride was on a 2.3 x surge going to North Hollywood to a bakery, I took it, got paid $55 for 45 minutes of work, of course no tip.
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve transported without a passenger?
Posted 5 years, 5 months ago
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Sergio Avedian (Uberserge)
Ride Apprentice from Los Angeles, CA
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And you weren't tempted to siphon a bit of it, lol You deserved to, as your tip of course.
If I knew there would be no top, one of the bottles would be missing. 😆
The rich never tip.
I once transported a small dog to this person friends house as she was watching the dog for the weekend. Dog was in a crate in the back but I felt like I had to talk to him 😂
Foot massage for the dog? 😆
I have actually never transported anything without a pax, is that normal behavior?
It happens a lot more than before, people calling UBER for transporting packages, it's a lot faster and probably cheaper than a courier.
I don't think weed transporting is that unique anymore, more like the norm.
No tip?! Come on. BTW even if weed was illegal isn't CBD oil ok?
Wasn't sure but I took the $55, last year that ride would be $80