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How to Get your Groceries Delivered to your Home (The 5 Best Delivery Apps 2020)

Posted by: RideGuru Team in Rideshare Knowledge 4 years, 5 months ago

grocery delivery apps 2020

Using a grocery delivery service used to be viewed as a luxury expense. However, as the threat of Covid-19 only increases, delivery services are becoming more of a necessity every day. Here are our top ten grocery delivery services as well as a general how-to-guide for using these platforms.

How do grocery delivery apps work?

The concept is actually fairly simple. Instead of physically going to the grocery store and walking the aisles to pick out what you need, you will create a virtual grocery shopping list by building a “digital cart”. Through your phone or computer, you will be …

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Uber's New Feature Allows Riders to Keep a Low-Profile When Reporting Drivers

Posted by: RideGuru Team in Rideshare Knowledge 4 years, 5 months ago

Uber Safety

Towards the end of February, Uber released a new feature, which allows drivers to report small scale incidents, which don’t qualify as emergencies. The release comes after the company’s first safety report, which had some alarming results. Riders and drivers were experiencing similar rates of attacks during rides. 

In 2018, Uber included a panic button within the app, which directly calls 911 so the rider and driver can have help as quickly as possible. Not every incident requires the police, so Uber has just released a new way for riders to let the company know, without leaving the app, about …

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How to Apply for Unemployment as an Uber or Lyft Driver

Posted by: RideGuru Team in Driver Community 4 years, 5 months ago

Unemployment information for uber drivers

There is no denying that the travel industry was hit very hard when the world started sheltering in place due to Covid-19. Numerous airlines needed government assistance, big hotel chains like Marriott had to enact paycuts and layoffs, and major attractions were forced to shutter up. With no one traveling from place to place, except a few essential workers, rideshare companies have also taken a major hit. Of course, the hardest hit members of the rideshare companies are the drivers. 

Stories of drivers earning only $7 a week compared to their previous weekly income of $400 are numerous. Not only …

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Is Uber still available during the Coronavirus Pandemic?

Posted by: RideGuru Team in Rideshare Knowledge 4 years, 6 months ago

Uber Covid 19 operational

Coronavirus has without a doubt turned the world upside down. In a matter of weeks, many cities, states, and entire countries have ordered their citizens to shelter in place and practice social distancing. City streets are deserted and many grocery store shelves are bare, the majority of people are taking note and staying hidden behind their front doors. However, what do you do if you are someone who needs to get around your city still? Perhaps you are an essential worker or need to care for an elderly relative. Is Uber or Lyft still operational in your city and available …

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Need Legal Advice on Driving for Uber or Lyft? Find the Answers Here.

Posted by: RideGuru Team in Driver Community 4 years, 7 months ago

Driving for Uber and Lyft is made to seem simple. Download the app, sign up, and start driving! However, there are many legal gray areas when it comes to rideshares and sometimes drivers are breaking the laws without even realizing it. To ensure you are armed with the correct knowledge, RideGuru along with LegalRideshare hosted a livestream on February 9th, to discuss the following hot topics.

The event was extremely successful and many drivers walked away saying how informative, simple, and helpful Attorney …

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