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Viewing posts by RideGuru Team

Free Dash Cam Warning Stickers for Drivers

Posted by: RideGuru Team in Driver Community 5 years, 1 month ago

While driving for Uber or Lyft has its perks it can also lead to troublesome situations. Many drivers, to avoid being wrongly accused or to secure evidence of wrongdoings, have decided to install dash cam video and audio recorders in their cars. On the help section of Uber's website, they state that drivers may “install and use video cameras to record riders for purposes of safety.” However, Uber also encourages drivers to check local regulations on using and disclosing their recording equipment. Many areas have laws in effect that require drivers to make their passengers aware of any video or …

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Are Rideshares Safe? A Survey on Uber, Lyft, and Safety Conducted by RideGuru

Posted by: RideGuru Team in Infographics , Rider Community , Rideshare Knowledge 5 years, 2 months ago

Do you feel safe riding in an Uber?

The media has recently released a few stories on riders encountering scary situations while utilizing Uber and Lyft. From harassment to murder the stories of riders becoming victims are sadly becoming more and more common. 

To better understand how riders across the country view rideshare safety we surveyed over 400 riders to hear their thoughts. We wanted to know if riders not only feel safe taking Uber and Lyft but if they actively ensure their safety through numerous checkpoints set up within the app. Here's what today's riders had to say.

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Unleaded versus Premium Gas: Is It Worth the Price Difference?

Posted by: RideGuru Team in Driver Community 5 years, 2 months ago

Unleaded or premium gas? It should not be this hard to figure out what a car needs or if one is better than the other, but it is. At least, it seems like it is. There is so much information out there on the topic, and everyone has an opinion. 

The first thing you should do is look at your car’s owner manual. This tells you what kind of fuel you should be using. Listen to your manual. If your car does not require premium gas, don’t spend extra on premium gas because it will NOT make your car run …

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Uber Airport Fees 2019

Posted by: RideGuru Team in Rider Community , Travel/Wanderlust 5 years, 3 months ago

Surprise fees while traveling are never fun, unfortunately, surcharges and extra fees are quite prevalent in the ridesharing space. One surcharge you may not be expecting is an airport surcharge. Many airports charge a fee to rideshares for simply picking up or dropping off a passenger. Usually this fee is relatively minimal, generally from about $2.00 - $5.00 but it is still nice to be aware of the extra charge before you travel.

Below we have listed out the Rideshare Surcharges for 2019 for Major Airports in the US. For a complete list of airports from around the globe, their …

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How to Buy and Redeem Lyft Gift Cards

Posted by: RideGuru Team in Rider Community , Rideshare Knowledge 5 years, 3 months ago

Did you know that Lyft has gift cards available for purchase? You can purchase them directly through the Lyft website, and you can use a debit card, credit card, or PayPal account to make things easy! To purchase the gift card, you will need to have a Lyft account and gift cards purchased through the Lyft website are solely digital. You can purchase gift cards on Lyft.com in amounts up to $250. If you want to give a physical gift card, you can find those through Amazon however, they can be purchased in amounts up to $50. You can also …

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