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Viewing posts for the category Rideshare Knowledge

Lyft is Advocating for City Streets with Fewer Cars

Posted by: RideGuru Team in Rideshare Knowledge 4 years ago

Lyft Resilient Streets

In a recent blog post, Lyft took a big stance against single occupancy vehicles by proposing a new plan on how street space can be redesigned from suiting cars to buses, bikes, and pedestrians. As Lyft’s core business is their ridehailing platform, proposing a shift that would essentially hurt their single occupancy ridehail vehicles is a bit surprising. However, due to the recent Covid-19 pandemic, Lyft’s ridehailing business (along with Uber) has been suffering greatly. With no current end in sight for the pandemic, it may actually benefit Lyft to push for city planning that is more geared towards …

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Uber Driver App Troubleshooting: Unable to Call or Text a Rider

Posted by: RideGuru Team in Driver Community , Rideshare Knowledge 4 years ago

The Uber app can be difficult to navigate and troubleshoot at times. The last thing you want to be spending time on as a driver is researching, contacting uber support, and waiting to get help for various app issues that can occur. As part of an Uber Troubleshooting Series, we will be outlining steps to fix the most common Uber app issues over a series of articles. The first issue we want to tackle is when you are unable to contact riders through the app.

The first thing to check if you are having trouble connecting with riders, is to …

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Uber Promises Every Car on their Platform will be Fully Electric by 2040

Posted by: RideGuru Team in Driver Community , Rider Community , Rideshare Knowledge 4 years ago

On Tuesday, Uber announced that they have plans to ensure that every vehicle on their ridesharing platform is 100% electric by the year 2040. Further, they are have committed $800 million through 2025 to help drivers make the switch to electric vehicles.

With over 5 million drivers worldwide, this is a hefty goal. Uber plans to help drivers secure electric vehicles through various incentive programs. Already, Uber has formed partnerships with GM and the Renault, Nissan, Mitsubishi alliance to give discounts to drivers who buy or lease electric vehicles. Additionally, under this new initiative, Uber plans to give discounts to …

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Requesting an accessible vehicle through the Lyft app

Posted by: RideGuru Team in Rider Community , Rideshare Knowledge 4 years ago

One benefit of the advent of rideshare services is how wheelchair accessible vehicles are more readily available for passengers with accessibility needs. Lyft has dedicated an entire mode within their app to help passengers get around who need additional vehicle space and help. This mode is called Access Mode and we are going to walk you through how to enable Access Mode within your Lyft app. When Access Mode is enabled, passengers may request a vehicle that is designed to accommodate a full-sized, non-foldable wheelchair.


How to Enable Access Mode

  1. Tap the menu icon in the top left corner
  2. Scroll …
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Uber to Require Some Passengers to Take Mask Selfies

Posted by: RideGuru Team in Driver Community , Rider Community , Rideshare Knowledge 4 years ago

Uber Mask SelfiePhoto Credit: CNN.com

Recently, Uber drivers have been voicing their concerns over the amount of passengers who refuse to wear masks while inside their vehicles. Furthermore, while Uber technically states that a rider must wear a mask at all times within a rideshare vehicle, they have done little to enforce this rule. This, unfortunately, leaves drivers in an uncomfortable position when they encounter a rider who refuses to wear a mask. Uber drivers either have to risk their safety and let the passenger ride without a mask or try to enforce Uber’s mask wearing rule, often at their own expense. …

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