
Logan Airport Relocates Taxi and Rideshare Pickup Location

Posted by: RideGuru Team Feb 03, 2020
Updated Feb 03, 2020


logan airport taxi pickup spot

This past weekend, Logan Airport relocated the pickup spot for taxis, limos, and rideshare vehicles at Terminal C. Vehicle pickups will now be ushered to Central Parking, which is a hike for passengers.

According to MassPort, the move is only temporary while Terminal C undergoes construction for a new canopy that will allow more daylight and weather protection plus a new roadway design to help the flow of traffic.

On Sunday, our team member, Lilly Kenyon, flew into Terminal C and was able to see the congestion first hand. She reports that “there was a lot of confusion among travelers as to where to go to get their ride.” While Logan has set up temporary signs to lead the way to the new pick up location, it is still a bit of a disconnect. Additionally, Lilly commented that “even getting picked up by a friend or family member was more time consuming with the traffic. Drivers were waiting in the pickup line (which snaked around some of the construction) for about 10 minutes until they arrived at the curb. The designated pick up spot on the curb was also relatively small, creating more issues with travelers trying to break apart from the crowd to get to their arriving vehicle.

The project is expected to be complete by the end of 2021. At which point MassPort hopes the new construction will reduce congestion and improve traffic. Overall, this should eventually help travelers get to taxis, limos, and rideshares in a quicker manner than before but until then traveling through Logan’s Terminal C is going to be slow moving! If you have any trips coming up that fly in or out of Terminal C, make sure to buffer some extra travel time to get to your car.

For more information on taxi, limo, and rideshare pickup information at airports around the world visit our Airport Page.

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