
What is Lyft's Personal Power Zones?

Posted by: RideGuru Team May 08, 2019
Updated Jan 16, 2020


Lyft recently announced some big updates to their "Personal Power Zones" that replaced their well-known Prime Time Earnings system. Personal Power Zones appear when there’s high demand nearby, making it easy to see exactly where drivers will earn bonuses. These new individualized zones are customized based on the current location of the driver. Also, with Personal Power Zones, you’ll see the actual amount of the bonus earned, not a percentage like with Prime Time Earnings. This is a big transparency win for drivers as Power Zones make it easier to see exactly how much bonus cash you will receive up front.

How Personal Power Zones Work

Personal Power Zones appear on your driver app when there’s high demand nearby. This allows you to see exactly where you can earn bonus cash as well as how much. 

There are now two ways to earn the Power Zone bonus on your next ride:

  1. You enter a Personal Power Zone or
  2. Your rider is in the zone (you don’t have to be in the zone when you accept the ride)

    What is Lyft's Personal Power Zones?

How to Get a Lyft Power Zone Bonus

When you see a Personal Power Zone on your driver app, follow the below steps outlined on the Lyft Website to get the extra cash:

  1. Drive into the purple zone to guarantee a bonus on your next ride.
  2. Drive into the pink zone to guarantee an even bigger bonus. The longer you stay in the pink zone, the bigger your bonus gets.
  3. Give a ride to get your bonus. Once you've gotten a bonus guarantee, stay online and accept your next request. You'll earn the bonus when you complete that ride.

You’ll also earn a bonus if your rider is in one of the zones when you accept the ride, even if you’re not in the zone.

You won't lose your bonus if you leave a Personal Power Zone, but the bonus will stop getting bigger.

It is important to note that Personal Power Zones only show you the bonus areas that are within a short driving distance from you. If you don’t see a Personal Power Zone in your app, try driving toward a yellow or orange area. These areas indicate higher ride demand and while they do not include a bonus, your map will continue updating as you move making it more likely that you will happen upon a Power Zone.

What do you think of Lyft's new Power Zone system? Let us know in the forum!

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