Ride Apprentice
Posts by ChadGellar
Why are so many Uber drivers rude and simply assholes? With a rating system, I'd like to think they know better.
No offense. Coming from the heart.
Anyone remember Better Than Ezra?
This is so true. What a weird perk of driving for an Uber. Ultimate excuse to be away randomly.
This is getting very personal.
The American Dream, baby.
If you can't beat them. Join them. Go invent something.
I dunno, man. That $400 price tag is pretty steep, and it is something we were paying attention to as TRYP came to the market. The skeptic's suspicions were somewhat confirmed, right? Of course, these guys have to work out the kinks and maybe this is a corner use case, but not a smooth start for sure.
or drive to one of those Uber offices. greenlight offices?
Kiss that $100 goodbye. No way you'll get that back.
The $15 is supposed to compensate for the driver's time. It's usually considered reasonable to retrieve your bag or cell phone. I mean, people would usually pay a lot more to retrieve those items, I mean, you should count your blessings. You'd be pretty upset if your driver never returned those items.
I have the same exact problem. I have to kill and start to realize that I have bee matched up with a driver. It's super weird. the circle spins and spins.
You know...as much I love Uber, sometimes I do wonder if this gig-economy where anyone can become a driver is just a good idea.
I have noticed overall that many Uber drivers are not "service" oriented and they are not used to treating and handling customers. They are highly privileged and hide behind the fact that they are independent contractor, potentially part-time, and they drive their own cars. They look down on you and treat you like you should be lucky to be able to enter their vehicle.
They are totally using the "gay card." No one wants people making out in their cars. Personal or not.
Sure, man. plus that sounds like a good new UberXYZ idea. You punch a button and someone comes jump your car.
Then again, I guess that's what AAA is for.
(sarcastically) "It must be be an honor to work for an evil company like Uber."
"Despite all the media hype..." This wraps up pretty much the whole thing.
There is such thing as webcams that can check the interior of the car between rides. Perhaps a human operator can rate it after each ride. If there are any issues, you call the car back to a cleaning location. Easy enough to implement.
Then you give the rider a chance to point it out if the car is dirty. Just dispatch them a new car.
I read and read but I don’t see it answering the question whether a full time Driver can make a livable wage
So whats the verdict?
Can Full-Time Uber and Lyft Drivers Make a Livable Wage?
It’s like a game to drivers. They judge us and rate us low on all kinds of stuff like race and whether they like us not.
Dude, drivers definitely judge riders and rate us on all kinds of stuff. You can tell from reading their comments on these forums. Race, wealth, hot girl friend, it doesn’t matter. They get jealous and take it out on us through Uber ratings. How sad
How about getting me there without complaining about how horrible Uber is