No offense. Coming from the heart.
Why are so many Uber drivers rude and simply assholes? With a rating system, I'd like to think they know better.
Posted 6 years, 7 months ago
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I have driven for Uber for over six years and don't reallly find this statement to be entirely true. When you deal with the public, you deal with a wide range of human realities. I drove a taxi for ten years before I drove with Uber and Lyft and have spoken at length to the very famous to the very infamous at one time or another. I developed a system for how I would decide to throw people out of the cab when I could no longer tolerate them. I'd give three strikes and you're out. After the first indication I had a problem fare I'd say, politely, "are you sure you really need this cab"? and if they didn't get the hint, after more bad behavior I'd say "you don't sound like you reallly want this cab very badly" and if they basically ignored me then I'd stop the car, sometimes in the left lane, in traffic, get out, open their door and say, "THIS IS WHERE YOU GET OUT!" and if, as sometime happened, they tried to pay me, I'd refuse and say I didn't want their money and if they wanted to comp…
I have driven for Uber for over six years and don't reallly find this statement to be entirely true. When you deal with the public, you deal with a wide range of human realities. I drove a taxi for ten years before I drove with Uber and Lyft and have spoken at length to the very famous to the very infamous at one time or another. I developed a system for how I would decide to throw people out of the cab when I could no longer tolerate them. I'd give three strikes and you're out. After the first indication I had a problem fare I'd say, politely, "are you sure you really need this cab"? and if they didn't get the hint, after more bad behavior I'd say "you don't sound like you reallly want this cab very badly" and if they basically ignored me then I'd stop the car, sometimes in the left lane, in traffic, get out, open their door and say, "THIS IS WHERE YOU GET OUT!" and if, as sometime happened, they tried to pay me, I'd refuse and say I didn't want their money and if they wanted to complain, here was the company business card with my name on it. I seldom had problems.
I find that one of the tricks to managing the inside of car with passengers is to have calm music on, I play mellow jazz, mostly Ben Webster and I SELDOM get any kind of complaint. When I do, it is someone close to to 21 years old who had been drinking and cannot live for five minutes without their personal soundtrack. If they want to change the music I always let them and once in a great while I am pleasantly surprised, but best of all, a vast majority of my passengers compliment me on the music and tell me it is calming and restful. I tell them it keeps me sane and we laugh together.
In this way, I have kept control of the inside of the car. If the passengers are otherwise troublesome, I tend to be quiet and alert, professional, polite and reserved, like a butler that is dealing with a foolish drunk rich man who must be indulged.
My criteria is that the public is entiteled to a ride UNLESS they break the rules, which are that they cannot approach me screaming swear words, waving a gun or vomiting. As long as people can manage to keep their hands and their mouths to themselves, it is my job to get them where they want to go because that is how I pay my rent. I give everyone five stars UNLESS they vomit or do something otherwise extreme, I just don't have time to "judge" every single person. You'd be surprised how many nice people there are and to those I sometimes give out my postcards of my artwork, if they are interested.
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Of course there are nice people but uber seems to bring all the Jerk offs from under the rock. I also drove a cab in 80 s, black in the nineties and formal limos up to 2013 I have many wonderful people but the morals of the public have declined which is evident just by watching the news. Good luck BROTHER and stay secure.
Why are so many Uber passengers rude and simply assholes? With a rating system, I'd like to think they know better.
See how that works? Maybe it's not the Uber driver...
(No offense. Coming from the heart)
O Chad , I just got a U Tube link that reminds me of you. BIG UBER DRIVER THROWS SMALL MAN IN THE FOUNTAIN... PS the little WEASEL in the water is Chad.
I just read the of the name of the dick who posted this stupid question
Oh, Chad......
LOL Boom.
I think you are speaking of taxi drivers. That's how I used to feel when I used to take them living in New York. I'm a complete convert for the last 3 years (~50 rides?), and I haven't had a single mean driver. What I like about Uber driver is that they drive their own car and run their own business. Each one seems to be proud of what they do and appreciative of the money they make. Not a single time I felt like they seemed entitled and looked down on the passengers. (unlike some taxi drivers)
One driver got cranky on me once, but that was entirely my fault. I opened the door to pick up a friend on the curb, and I opened the door against this concrete sidewalk divider.
Are you kidding ? What about all the protests around the world against Uber the king of 666 . C'mon give me break you sound like a covert uber employee.
I love questions like this. I fail to see them as genuine, but I think some people really are this way.
O Chad , I just got sent this U Tube video that reminds me of you. Check out my hero and brother " BIG UBER DRIVER THROWS SMALL PASSENGER INTO THE FOUNTAIN "
Honestly, I take Uber almsot daily and can count on one hand the number of times a driver was rude. Maybe it's you not the driver...
Oh, gosh.
Because a good amount of passengers are rude assholes and we are not in kindergarten to get stars pasted on our foreheads.
Yeah, as a fellow Uber passenger, I am a bit embarassed with this question. I've been in the customer business, and I know customers are the evil assholes. Not the providers. That is definitely no exception with Uber and Lyft.
In the 32 years of professional driving in all honesty the quality of passengers has declined rapidly . I do not work at any app service and I am fornuate to have long standing relationship with my steady customers. It is the lowering of standards and morals in general that has caused many of the issues that we face today.. A good portion of the young generation suck and let a good kick in their ass which I would be more than happy to do starting with Chad the dick.