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As a driver what are some of the dumbest questions or comments a pax has made?

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4088 Rider Driver
 Posted 6 years, 2 months ago

Not Really


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    8198 Rider Driver
     6 years ago  (edited 6 years ago)

    Had a young 20 something female rider. Headed to NY. Picked her up in NJ at nice townhouses didnt have a clue where she was.  Quiet the whole ride except for 2 outburst that I thought she was crying, but she said she was laughing at something funny. Some strange noises that sounded like she was wrestling in back of car punching herself. Lol Strangest part of the whole ride she did not pull a cell phone out at all.  She was in the back by herself. As soon as we stopped for tolls at Lincoln Tunnel she wanted to know what cell towers were? Then proceeds to say out of the blue,"we need more scientists. I think everyone could become a scientist to make things".  I want to be a scientist, wonder what classes I would take"?  "They should give free tuition if you want to become s scientist". Onto new subject about AI and robots taking over the world. Proceeded onto how Trump is orange with white eyes.  Uses bad spray tan, how old he  look…


    Had a young 20 something female rider. Headed to NY. Picked her up in NJ at nice townhouses didnt have a clue where she was.  Quiet the whole ride except for 2 outburst that I thought she was crying, but she said she was laughing at something funny. Some strange noises that sounded like she was wrestling in back of car punching herself. Lol Strangest part of the whole ride she did not pull a cell phone out at all.  She was in the back by herself. As soon as we stopped for tolls at Lincoln Tunnel she wanted to know what cell towers were? Then proceeds to say out of the blue,"we need more scientists. I think everyone could become a scientist to make things".  I want to be a scientist, wonder what classes I would take"?  "They should give free tuition if you want to become s scientist". Onto new subject about AI and robots taking over the world. Proceeded onto how Trump is orange with white eyes.  Uses bad spray tan, how old he  looks, and how his wife cant speak English at all.  I dont have a clue still cant explain the conversation choices or her mentality or lack of  :)  Dont know if I had Cybil and her multiple personalities or an Alien creature. I am thinking Alien creature, really early 20 something female with no phone, not one text, or selfie in cities she said she never visited before. Was a strange ride. I guess drugs couldve been a factor.

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    {{ ratingSum }}
    810 Driver
     6 years ago

    A stoned passenger stared at me from the back seat for 3 minutes, then stated "you look pretty smart for an Uber driver"

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 4088 Rider Driver
       6 years ago

      So, what does smart look like?

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        810 Driver
         6 years ago

        In her opinion I am guessing, anyone who has a driver's license and a car is smart :)

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     6 years ago

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    560 Driver
     6 years ago

    After sharing I've been driving Uber for over five years, this passenger told me:

    'how did you know to get in at the ground level? you must be a millionaire."

    Really? She thought I had a stake in the company?  Buddies with Travis? 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago

    (sarcastically) "It must be be an honor to work for an evil company like Uber."

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    447 Rider Driver Driver
     6 years ago

      A pair of young. Dummies told me that they could drive better than me  and I responded by telling them that I have driven in Reverse more than they have driven forward.  then I told them when I get really annoyed my farts smell really bad

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     6 years ago

    haha, omg that is great. I would not have been that quick witted...