Ride Apprentice
Posts by HemiDodge
Jim Cramer: Lyft's IPO Lockup Expiration Could Open the Floodgates
Founders and employees (those with stock options) are expected to dump the stocks to cash in. Can their stocks handle … -
Uber wins in London. Ready to destroy the Black Cabs [CNN]
Uber goes into London. London bans Uber. Uber doesn't care. London argues internally. Uber (probably) pays off all the officials. … -
Drive or stay put? While waiting for fares, do you drive around or stay put? This is a question for Uber and Lyft drivers.
Lets assume the driver is in an urban or semi-urban setting with moderate activity level. -
Flying Uber - Autonomous Flying Drones! They're here!
This Uber thing is moving too fast for me to stay up. This thing has Uber written all over it, … -
Uber who? Grab dominates Southeast Asia
If you are from US, it's hard to imagine a world where Uber is the challenger "Today, Grab is in … -
Can multiple people share one Uber/Lyft account?
London Uber ignoring all rules and breaking laws again.
How is this legal? Oh, it isn't? What's new. What is the current situation with Uber in London? Taxi app … -
Do you need to have rideshare insurance to drive for Uber or Lyft? Is it required?
When Uber I take an Uber, what percentage or portions of the fare goes to the driver and to the company?
How reliable is Uber for early morning pickups to airports?
Didn't you guys see this?
This is what happens if you don't get out of a car.
Such a driver would get bad ratings quick and disappear soon anyways. Save your breaths. No need to report him
Does anyone know epilogue to this? This man become a millionaire?
Are you asking whether you are supposed to sit in the front seat?
I love it how all the Silicon Valley folks are losing their sh*t over this and the rest the world doesn’t really give a hoot. It affects us none. Can they just shut up.
Does it matter whether we are judging the CEOs, their styles, or the company performance and trend? I think it's all semantics. CEOs' performances and policies are based on company performances and policies. It's all the same.
You make it sound so easy though. Basically, the only thing we can do is to contact Uber.
The tough question is to get Uber to respond.
This is a real stupid way to scam passengers. The dude would be on the hook for a on-star rating no matter what.
wait, you might have a point here.
but let me go over this to make sure. When routes are changed and stops are made, the prices are supposed to be reflected in the fare. Upfront pricing is no more. The fare is recalculated for the new distance and duration driven.
With that said, I suppose it's a small stop or the route isn't too affected, I am not sure how Uber app handles it. I really have no idea what's going on anymore.
Those are your paying customers you are referring to. Where's your sense of service?
Is this entitlement? Is this your misunderstanding that you will get paid less? Is this your hatred for all who ride your cars?
See, it's not just about Uber "supporting" those cities. It totally depends on whether there are drivers there and it has taken off among the consumers. So, make sure to check the market before you sign up. (or travel and expect there to be Uber there - for riders)
Right, I agree with you, but and I'd hate to say it but it's a matter of expectation. Riders are customers, and drivers are working. You may be allowed to walk into a famliy restaraunt in t-shirt and ripped jeans, but you can't have the workers be wearing the same.
...but I am in agreement that I am sure drivers deal with filthy and stinky riders all the time. To that, I do sympathize and I do feel there should be a rule or at least be reflected on the ratings.
You are talking about Florida? or Texas? That is fascinating to imagine a guidebook suggesting that. I can see it though.
(but whole states? I have seen some guidebooks mention neighborhoods of LA, Chicago, and NY but not for an entire state due to their laws.
Taking a taxi was so painful he figured he'd kill himself. literally.
Why are these strippers such divas. Aren't they in the customer facing business? I guess when they are off the shift, they really want attention and be treated like they treat their customers.
Not sure what happened in the back entrance. Maybe she was famous. Like Stormy. LOL.
Uber's app automatically charges you for tolls. It goes on the total fare and it gets charged to your credit card or any other method of payment you have on file.
I think the consensus is that we can't. but that doesn't mean you can be an a-hole.
You have to upload it to another source, like imgur and then source the image's url. or if the image is already on the Internet somewhere, you can copy/paste into the editor, and it just thros it on.
I don't think you can upload it to rideguru.com.
It's August.
Can we just stick to what our culture is used to with treating the service personnel? In the USA, we all tip waitors, bellboy, hair dressers, food delivery, and taxi drivers. Why are we even arguing about rideshare drivers?
Who disrupted the commonsense and the market standard? Is it all Uber's fault?