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Are you familiar with the issue of how much Uber/Lyft take from the drivers pay?Are you sympathetic to the drivers or are you just happy for cheap rides?

{{ ratingSum }}
4088 Rider Driver
 Posted 6 years, 5 months ago

They claimed to take 20% of gross at one point (Uber and Lyft). Then it went to 25%. However if you carefully read the trip charges of your trips you see that Uber/Lyft take certain monies before the 75-25 split. This is different fees and charges the riders pay, that the driver never sees. There have been many times where I have looked at the trip charges and the total the rider pays. Uber/Lyft sometimes end up with 50% of the money the rider pays. When you call Uber on it they don't have any real clear answer either (except love it or leave it).

Do you think this is fair? Especially as costly as it is to maintain a vehicle to the standards they expect. With rare exceptions most Uber/Lyft drivers make $3-$4 an hour (after all expenses). Knowing this, would it encourage you to tip more. What do you expect from a driver to give him a 5 star rating and at least a 20% tip on fares $10 or less and 15% on more than ten dollar rides? Thanks for your upvote.


    {{ ratingSum }}
    207 Driver
     6 years ago

    Quite often they take %40 and even more depending on the ride.  (There are airport fees to pay when picking up at the airport too. ) I seen where they have taken over %65 (@ $17 trip and @$4.70 to driver when snowing out.)

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago

    I definitely don't think it is fair, it seems Uber needs to be more transparent but I also don't really care too much as a rider. Does that make me selfish? I just want to take my cheap ride to get home, maybe knowing this would make me tip a little bit better though...

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      447 Rider Driver Driver
       6 years ago

      When something really bad happens to you don't sing why me ?