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Electric vehicles

{{ ratingSum }}
1602 Rider Driver
 Posted 6 years ago

I regular consider driving an all electric vehicle, but with severe range anxiety as well as the need to occasionally drive more than 300 mile days (for my regular job)...  I'm wondering if any of you are using an all electric vehicle for Uber/Lyft, and if so, I'd love to hear about your experience.  Is it realistic to use an all-electric and does it tend to cause you range anxiety?

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    {{ ratingSum }}
    145 Driver
     6 years ago

    Yes, to the range anxiety. Wait, this says 335 miles. That's about the same as both my gas-powered cars.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    108 Driver
     6 years ago

    Considering that a huge portion of our expense is fuel, I'd like to think there is a good financial justification and an ROI. However, electricity also costs money. I'd like to think that'd be a lot more efficient (i.e. cheaper) than gasoline, but I do wonder how much it would really save.

    Are those Autonomous Vehicles being sent out by Uber and Google all electric cars?

    Show Hide  3 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
       6 years ago

      Aren't there free charging stations everywhere these days?  Like at grocery stores and corporate office parking lots. I always see them, and I assumed they were free. So keep charging it at other people's places and you'd be all set.  no?  Free fuel? I mean, Uber drivers can be anywhere, right?

        {{ ratingSum }}
        OP 1602 Rider Driver
         6 years ago

        Actually they aren't that prevalent in our area and unless it's a Tesla charging station, they aren't free (nor are they free any longer for the more recent Tesla customers)...

        But I do feel the day will come when they'll be everywhere - in fact I suspect gas stations will soon add areas for charging (if they have room) and use superchargers that can do the job rather quickly) at 30 mins or less.

        But for now - it's still an issue for sure.

          {{ ratingSum }}
           6 years ago

          Didn’t one of the major companies declare they’ll start  shutting down plants for gas vehicles? Only gonna be making electric vehicles very soon  

          It was Chevy or GM, maybe?  I remember Truml being angry about it. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
    422 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    It seems like not a great idea to me. Electric vehicles are way more expensive to buy. Not having to buy gas saves money for sure but I doubt it makes up for the upfront cost. I guess you could do some calculation to figure that out.

    And then there is the range problem... Personally I wouldn't want to deal with that. I guess if you are driving part time it might not be a huge issue though.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    108 Driver
     6 years ago

    If I could afford a Tesla, I wouldn’t be driving for Uber. 

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 1602 Rider Driver
       6 years ago

      Ha!  To your point, i'm currently driving a $52K Explorer Limited, but will admit that when i retire in a couple of years, my Uber car will most likely become a Prius!  No way you can really afford to drive for Uber with a vehicle this expensive!

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago

    Not a driver but I read this post a while back and figured I would share in case it is helpful. It is about Uber giving bonuses to drivers of hybrid vehicles. If you do end up switching cars see if you can get Uber to pay you more!
