We are completely snowed in in MA, found this article on the "Uber for Snow Plows" app called PlowzandMowz. Figured it might be helpful to a few people today :)
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We are completely snowed in in MA, found this article on the "Uber for Snow Plows" app called PlowzandMowz. Figured it might be helpful to a few people today :)
The thing is...in New England, the need for plows instantly hit capacity. Try calling anyone and they'll tell you the plows are just struggling to dig out their regular customers. You'll just go to the bottom of the queue.
Of course, that's unless this app can get regular people and farmer who own plows to start helping out. I do know a few people who own but don't have a business around it. Out those teenagers to work!!
I'm having hard time believing they'll actually make it here. Is it P2P? Or just a company with clever marketing.
A single app enabled company. It'll be that way unless they have a flood of drivers signing up.
You mean just like Uber. It's a taxi company. No longer a cool P2P platform.
Why didn't I see this earlier! bookmarking for the next big storm :)
Trees are down everywhere by me, we need on demand tree removal. :)
robots, the answer is robots
Maybe Fasten employees can be driving the plows. They are out of jobs by tomorrow.
Also Bridj drivers.
Too soon, dude. Gosh. The body is still warm.
Then again, it's fun to picture them in heavy snow, walking out with all their stuff in boxes. Wait, no it isn't.
I'm in NY and got 2 feet. Nuts.