Check this out. Now Uber's helping to catch cheatimg spouses. Lol
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Check this out. Now Uber's helping to catch cheatimg spouses. Lol
I try to stay in my area as much as possible. Doesn't always work out that way but I end up back to my neighborhood a few times in 8 hrs. I have quite a few riders that are repeats. They remember me and I remember them. I can see it happening.
With millions of Uber rides a day, I guess a coincidence likes this is bound to happen.
This story sounds a bit made up though. The lack of details makes me wonder. I feel like it's some purposeful attempt by Newsweek to warn cheating spouses.
Yeah, this sounds too far fetched. Even with millions of fares, how would this happen. Plus he was driving illegally..
Actually, no. Think about it. This all would have happened locally where they live, right? This can definitely happen if it were in a suburb where there are only a few driver. The husband was working in their town and she was cheating on him in their town. So why not.
Drivers do know all the secrets, I tell you.
I was going to say that she could have pretended that she didn't know the man. Then I realized that the husband would have known the destination. A local hotel. LOL.