I am disappointed in what I have seen in terms of the quality of people who use ride share transportation. Dishonesty, disrespect and unwilling to tip. 25% of the ridership is GREAT. The rest is so so. You can't serve this public, without holding your nose. It is sad.
You drivers that have been doing this for a while and have thousands of passenger trips, do you believe people are mostly good or mostly bad
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Frank Pressly (fpressly)

Ride Apprentice from Greenville, SC
Video te ego audiam vos ego sentio tibi. - Cat herder - Uber/Lyft 3000 rides
I have been a ride share driver for almost three years. While I like the ride share concept, I truly hate it's implementation and the way Uber and Lyft have so little regard for their work force. I am for the little guy. I seek to right injustice and speak for those who cannot speak for themselves. It's usually the ones you find hardest to love that need it the most. Please enjoy my opinion and if you like (or even if you just welcome the effort), an upvote is a digital pat on the back and is most appreciated. I invite you to read my other comments and upvote them as well. Thanks
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Unbelievable! My Uber rider thought we were still not able to accept tips. WTH?
When I started Nursing School I needed a job with flexibility. I decided to drive for Uber. The higher ups at Uber are truly disgusting, dishonest people. They have no respect nor do the care about the drivers.
When I started driving I was very nervous and afraid. That quickly changed. Although I still get nervous once in awhile. I've met people from all over the US. I dont base my opinion of the riders on how much they tip. Yes there are times you go out of your way for a rider and yes most definately they should tip. It would be great if all riders tipped but in my opinion not tipping doesnt make them horrible human beings. I've had the privilege of riding with kind, considerate people. Some going through terrible tragedies, others who were so positive and sweet they just made you night. Others who were just fun and easy going that the trip was an absolute pleasure. I've had some sweet notes riders left for me in the app. I just wish I knew who they were from. Some I can figure out…
When I started Nursing School I needed a job with flexibility. I decided to drive for Uber. The higher ups at Uber are truly disgusting, dishonest people. They have no respect nor do the care about the drivers.
When I started driving I was very nervous and afraid. That quickly changed. Although I still get nervous once in awhile. I've met people from all over the US. I dont base my opinion of the riders on how much they tip. Yes there are times you go out of your way for a rider and yes most definately they should tip. It would be great if all riders tipped but in my opinion not tipping doesnt make them horrible human beings. I've had the privilege of riding with kind, considerate people. Some going through terrible tragedies, others who were so positive and sweet they just made you night. Others who were just fun and easy going that the trip was an absolute pleasure. I've had some sweet notes riders left for me in the app. I just wish I knew who they were from. Some I can figure out others I dont have a clue. It would be nice if drivers could do this for riders. It would also be nice if there was a way to send rider a quick thank you for tipping you in the app. There are some riders that are just ignorant, rude, mean people that I wish I never had to deal with. Others have no manners, no morals, and are down right aholes. I can say most of my riders have been decent people
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Most passengers are pleasant. Now that college is getting out... that number will go down. Less than 1% are very bad... but the very bad ones can make it intolerable. They are rude, obnixios... they will damage your car without batting an eyelash... try to drink and spill... or get physical. They will try to pick fights with people on the street, or you can hear them verbally abusing their friend or someone on the phone... I even had a guy that raised his hand to his woman and I had to stop the ride... They could not give a damn about puking and damaging your car... or ordering a trip for a mile, then changing it to 20 miles once you are near. Some vape. Some will lose it if you will not go get food at 2am... but who wants to wait for 1/2 hour for free... They will not offer to pay you for that time and get mad if you ask. But like I said... Most are nice... but these few can get so bad, it can cause anxiety about all the others... especially the kids with guns... and some pickup areas.
i truly believe that the majority of people are "good". I do find the differene between one neighborhood and another can be shocking and predictable. It is apparent at times what quitting school and allowing the government to be the wageearner in your home resulting in a poor life where taking advantage of others and "taking all you can' becomes a very sad way of life. Honestly I try to avoid those areas when possible, although I'll admit I've met some beautiful human beings who are struggling to work and make ends meet from some of the most deprived areas of the city. We can conclude there are "good people" in almost every situation, but I'll admit you'll find more "good" passengers in the areas that are less economically depressed than are in the ghetto. It's the sad truth and I wish it weren't so!
Terrible quality of human beings as I stated long ago that Uber managed to dig up the sewer . I started in this business in 1979 , NYC and overall in all my years I would say say that over 90% of my passengers was great . I never was robbed , assaulted or had to call the Police because I felt threatened. I did Uber for one month and last garbage passenger had to be removed by NYPD .
Passenger quality is A DISGRACE because most of them use CESSPOOL from point A to B and all of them are former mass transit users. The millennials or commie pinkos as I like to call them want everything for free and are tightwads.They want new and clean cars and mean while they live in shithole neighborhoods and house cleaning is non existent. UNOINIZE TO RAISE FARES TO IMPROVE RIDERSHIP QUALITY AS WE DID IN NYC AND PUT UBER ON THEIR KNEES AND THEIR IPO WILL BE PENNY STOCKS. COMMUNIST BASTARDS !!!!