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Curious about Ridehails? Not sure where to start? Or are you an experienced rider or driver, but want some expert advice? Look no further, ask the Ride Guru!
We compile questions from our users and have Ridehail industry experts answer them. If your question is featured, we will let you know!
What is the frickin' point if upfront pricing isn't guranteed? Isn't the whole point that we know BEFOREHAND the price?
I haven't heard of any Bird Scooters here in CT, but I can't sleep while I wonder this question. I …
My uber driver in nyc was pulled over and it turned out he didn't have a valid drivers license. I …
This seems to be happening a lot here suddeenly. It amazes me how one person gets an idea on how …
What passenger information do Uber drivers see *before* they accept the pick up request?
Can I drive someone else's car for Uber? (or Can my friend drive my car for Uber?)