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Uber Facts
- Uber is a mobile app connecting passengers with drivers for hire.
- Uber was founded in March 2009
- Uber is a german word that means “over”
- Uber is headquartered in San Francisco, California, US
- Uber has received 14.11 billion in funding from 56 investors over 16 rounds.
- Uber acquired deCarta in March 2015. DeCarta provides geospatial software platforms that power internet, mobile, and personal navigation and location-based service applications.
- Uber acquired part of Bing’s Mapping assets and will absorb around 100 Microsoft employees.
- In late 2015, Uber is estimated to be worth 62.5 billion.
- Uber has over 6,700 employees
- Uber is in 467 Cities worldwide
- Uber gives over 1,400 rides per minute
- Uber’s 1 billionth trip took place on December 24th, 2015
- According to Uber CEO Travis Kalanick, the whole taxi market in San Francisco is about 140 million per year and Uber’s revenues in San Francisco are no running at 500 million per year. That is more than 3 times the size of the taxi market.
- Uber earns 20-25% of each ride.
- Every month 50,000 new Uber drivers sign up.
- 50% of US uber driver partners, on average, drive fewer than 10 hours a week.
- 61% of driver-partners have full time or part time careers outside of Uber.
- Driver partners hold many different jobs including professional football player, university president, musician, firefighter, actress, high school teacher, graphic designer, and orphanage founder
- 87% of Uber drivers said a major reason they drive on the Uber platform is to be their own boss and set their own schedule.
- There are more than 10,000 Uber drivers with military backgrounds.
- Nearly 1 in 3 new uber drivers in the US are Female.
- 20% of Uber drivers are Women.
- Uber has pledged to have 1 million women drivers by 2020
- Uber had also pledged to take 1 million cars off the road in New York City with their Uber Pool carpool program
- Uber cars can be no more than 10 years old.
- Some other services by Uber include: Uber eats, Uber rush, Uber Fresh, Uber Chopper, Uber pool, Uber kitten, Uber puppy, Uber moto
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