
RideGuru Newsroom

Viewing posts by RideGuru Team

How to Navigate Lyft's Prime Time Fares

Posted by: RideGuru Team in Rideshare Knowledge 7 years, 11 months ago

What is Prime Time?

According to Lyft, Prime Time is a percentage of a Lyft fare that is added onto the final total fare resulting in a higher than typical cost for a ride. Prime Time pricing occurs when the demand for Lyft rides is greater than the number of Lyft drivers on the road such as during rush hours, after popular sporting events, or during parades or holidays.

Why does Lyft have Prime Time? Image result for lyft

Similar to Uber's surge pricing, Prime Time encourages drivers to go out and complete rides when the demand for rides is high as the …

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Is Uber Overcharging Riders (and Secretly Pocketing Money that Belongs to Drivers)?

Posted by: RideGuru Team in Driver Community , Rider Community , Rideshare Knowledge 8 years ago

 Hi RideGuru Fans, Harry here! I want to share a topic with you today that is really hot right now. A few months ago, Uber changed their pricing model for most major markets to an “upfront fare” pricing system. Instead of showing passengers the rates per minute and per mile, Uber now gives passengers a steadfast fare quote after they enter their dropoff location.

While upfront fares seem convenient for passengers, we started to notice that through this new system Uber was not being 100% transparent and in many cases overcharging passengers without paying drivers the difference. To test this …

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Keep Rideshares Transparent (Video)

Posted by: RideGuru Team in Driver Community , Rider Community , Rideshare Knowledge 8 years ago

Do you want to know which rideshare services have the best prices? Or which companies give back the most to their drivers?

With so many rideshare options on the marketplace, it can be hard to narrow down your choices and find the best car service for your trip. Riders deserve the right to compare prices and have the necessary information available to shop around. Likewise, drivers should be able to easily find out which companies will treat them the best.

Check out this video to learn about the importance of rideshare transparency for both riders and drivers - and how …

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RideGuru is Live!

Posted by: RideGuru Team in Announcements 8 years ago

Today is the day, RideGuru is officially live! We are excited to share this initiative with the world and we cannot thank our fans enough for helping to make RideGuru a reality.

RideGuru is not only a rideshare fare comparison calculator, it is a community. Through our extensive newsroom, rideshare 101 help pages, and “Ask a Ride Guru” Q&A platform, RideGuru is ready to help both riders and drivers. We hope to not only create a space for riders and drivers to find answers, but also an area where riders and drivers can connect with one …

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Support Rideshare Transparency!

Posted by: RideGuru Team in Driver Community , Rider Community , Rideshare Knowledge 8 years ago

Here at RideGuru, we believe all riders deserve the right to compare rideshare prices and know their estimated costs before traveling. We also believe that drivers have a right to know how much commission each and every rideshare company pockets from their paychecks. Transparency is in important part of any travel decision and therefore we have decided (with your help!) to fix this issue.

Together we can make a change and bring transparency to the rideshare marketplace. Just as you know the price of your train, plane, or bus ticket before traveling we feel rideshare riders deserve the right to …

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