
RideGuru Newsroom

What do I do if I think my passenger is a victim of Human Trafficking?

Posted by: Lilly Kenyon in Driver Community , Rideshare Knowledge 4 years, 9 months ago

Human Trafficking Uber Driver

Human trafficking is a terrible crime that affects tens of millions of victims worldwide yet, it largely remains un-noticed. Through the use of force and coercion traffickers succeed in keeping their victims quiet and undetected. However, there are telltale trafficking signs you should be aware of as a rideshare driver working in the transportation space. By keeping your eyes and ears peeled for these indicators (shared by ECPAT-USA), you might be able to help spot a human trafficking victim in your vehicle.

What to look out for if you fear your passenger is a victim of human trafficking.

People who …

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Another Air-Taxi Prototype was just Debuted at CES 2020

Posted by: Lilly Kenyon in Rideshare Knowledge 4 years, 9 months ago

Flying Cars. Air-Taxis. Vehicle Automation. This is where the world is heading and it is only a matter of time before these prototypes become reality. 

Hyundai Motor group and Uber are one step closer to getting passengers in flying cars with their newest Hyundai Urban Air Mobility (S-A1) concept.  This newest concept is an air taxi prototype designed specifically with Uber Elevate’s initiative in mind. The design was just debuted at CES 2020 this week.

The S-A1 is a more compact aircraft than past prototypes that we have seen but can still fit 5 people (4 passengers plus 1 pilot). …

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Reasons to Have Roadside Assistance

Posted by: Felicia Dodge in Driver Community 4 years, 9 months ago

Why you should have roadside assitance

Winter can be a wonderland, but that wonderland can come with dangers. Roadside assistance is important all year long, but most people don’t start thinking about it until the winter months as the dangers on the road increase.

The most important reason to have roadside assistance is in case of emergency. No one plans on having an accident, but they do happen. These programs help to ensure driver and passenger safety by helping in car related situations. Whether your car slips on ice and gets stuck in a snow bank or your tire blows out, roadside assistance can probably help …

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Tips to Get Your Car Unstuck in the Snow

Posted by: Felicia Dodge in Driver Community 4 years, 9 months ago

Tips to get your car unstuck from snow

Winter is gorgeous because snow coats the ground and everything else. As beautiful and as harmless as snow seems, it can be incredibly dangerous and difficult all at the same time. Being on the road in snowy conditions comes with its own set of challenges. Getting stuck in the snow can be a huge problem to get out of, especially if you’re alone in the car. 

Keep a shovel in your car during the cold months. A shovel can be an immense help if you get stuck in the snow because it will help you dig your way out or …

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Stay Motivated Behind the Wheel in the New Year as a Rideshare Driver

Posted by: Bekah Wheeler in Driver Community 4 years, 9 months ago

Uber Driver Motivation

It can be hard to stay motivated in any profession, but rideshare drivers have it particularly rough. The holiday season is extremely busy for drivers, so they are always busy in November and December. When January comes, the holidays are behind us, and winter is just getting started. Rideshare drivers spend a lot of time in their cars with new people all the time. Staying motivated can be difficult, but it’s all about finding what is right for you and your career.

If you have a tendency to drive during a specific time of day in a specific area, maybe …

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