Ride Apprentice
189 DriverActivity
Posts by ShadyPeteMD
This is the kind of crap drivers deal with - rude passengers assaulting drivers
This video needs to be seen by all who disregards driver safety.Another one: https://twitter.com/i/status/1370121088601051139there are so many things … -
I think my Uber driver is in trouble
Yelp Review on Uber
Classic. A review of "a company that does nothing."
Featured Answers by ShadyPeteMD
WAT. Is this really the impression on the streets? Here we are claiming the current vomit clean-up fees are too low, and people are thinking we are trying to make people throw up. What is going on?
When someone pukes, it's not just the cleaning up that costs money. It's the time off the clock as we cannot drive another passenger until it is completely cleaned up and the smell is gone. This can be hours, and in most cases the shift is over. and that's a shift usually on a lucrative day like Friday or Saturday night.
I am fairly sure Uber's XChange was sold to Fair along with the deal for them to operate as partners. (are they still considered exclusive?)
Gosh, sorry to hear this. That's just awful, and it sounds like they don't even know what they are doing.
Isn't this question referring to something that happened a long time ago? Wasn't there like a bug or something in the app where the drivers or unintended parties could see your ride history? I vaguely remember.
I read one of the tips for female passengers to never sit in the passenger seat or even on the RIGHT side of the car. The driver can drive up to a wall (on the left) and attack.
So sit in the back, towards the left of the car.
Many responses here are only considering a case in a city setting where there are many cars on the road. What about in a rural area or during late hours where there aren't that many cars on the road? Being able to identify when a car would drive by on what road may be useful information to a criminal.
Car hijacker or a robber can certainly wait, barricade a road, and stop the driver.
Let's take it a step further. What if a sexual predator would request a ride and keep requesting until he gets a female driver? (in most states, he can see the driver's first name) Then he would know where she is driving. Cancel the request to have plausible deniability, and then attack her when she comes to the neighborhood.
Well, here’s a thought. What if those government workers currently affected by the gov’t shutdown are starting to drive For Uber and Lyft?!! That’d blow up the supply and we will all be doomed!!
As a driver who works 80+ hours a week, I am proud to say I have mastered to sleep anywhere, any of the seats, and any position possible.
The dude who said you sleep with legs into the trunk, you sir deserve a trophy.
Wow. I would totally do this. On my own. Without some Silicon Valley doiches’ help.
I am gonna plagiarize this one. Real great answer by Francis Lapeyre.
Oh, yes. Absolutely. In fact, I've had several.
It happens more often than you think. It happens pretty much every time a rider is charged and they dispute it.
and by blamed, it just means I won't get my $5.00.
I’m gonna make a comment and no one really brings this up.
A huge factor in a driver rating is the type and newness of the car, which is something the driver has little control over.
It’s all in the delivery. It all depends on how you ask
I call and no one picks up.
emotional scars.
emotional distress. Yes, you can put dollar figures on those things.
Uber became shy about using people's GPS locations. If the drivers could track the riders' movements in real-time, this would solve all kinds of problems.
Do you know how many riders would request a ride AND THEN move to another? Come on, people!!!
(Well, now I am starting to think. Is it because riders think we can see their GPS locations as they move?)
That's a great tip. People who are staying in hotels are from out of town, and may not have access to a car or care to drive in an unfamiliar city. Without good public transport (in an rural area), they'd probably lean on Uber/taxi services.
WAT. Is this really the impression on the streets? Here we are claiming the current vomit clean-up fees are too low, and people are thinking we are trying to make people throw up. What is going on?
When someone pukes, it's not just the cleaning up that costs money. It's the time off the clock as we cannot drive another passenger until it is completely cleaned up and the smell is gone. This can be hours, and in most cases the shift is over. and that's a shift usually on a lucrative day like Friday or Saturday night.
Right?!!! I was thinking the same thing. I think they are marvelous. So professional and courteous.
It's always those bad apples that give them all a bad name
good luck! I only got 10 more points to get my swag bag!
Have you thought about renting a car to uber. If you live in San Francisco, you can use GetAround. If not, ZipCar seems to be everywhere.
Actually, did you try submitting the TEMP registration? I have heard elsewhere (I think at RMB) that those are actually legal documents, and they have to accept it as "real." This is to make sure such stupid thing as printing and mailing delay would not cause trouble for the consumers.
This is related to CWalcutt's response, but my pet peeve is the passengers who run out on the street to get on your car. Putting me in a vulnerable place to do the pickup, i.e. in middle of the road. Why, gosh, why.