Ask a Passenger
Do you have comments or questions to people who take rideshares? Any driver advice for your passengers or other ridehailers? Share your thoughts, feedback, complaints and have them be heard by real rideshare riders.
As an Uber/Lyft passenger, what was the strangest/funniest ride you have taken
I have ridden Uber/Lyft quite a bit when I travel abroad or even around the US. There are bound to …
Why does the public not feel it necessary to tip Ride Share drivers?
When Uber first began, it made the ride “all inclusive”. In fact they made great effort to tell people they …
Why would you report that an Uber driver is "unprofessional"?
This whole ratings qrap is BS to me. I was dinged once for being “unprofessional” for wearing my cap backwards. …
RIDERS: What are some of your reasons for not tipping a driver?
As a rider there are various reasons for taking Uber/Lyft. Here are some of the reasons riders gave me. DUI, …
Are you familiar with the issue of how much Uber/Lyft take from the drivers pay?Are you sympathetic to the drivers or are you just happy for cheap rides?
They claimed to take 20% of gross at one point (Uber and Lyft). Then it went to 25%. However if …
As an Uber/Lyft passenger, what are some things you would just as soon NOT see your Uber/Lyft driver engaged in?
Let's be honest. The life of a driver can be slow at times. To entertain themselves, drivers sometimes take on …
Should I give low ratings to Uber drivers who solicit tips?
Riders, Why are you putting fake names on your Uber & Lyft account? Be prepared for longer wait times or getting cancelled.
Drivers are seeing more fake names coming up on rider accounts. A few names have been D!@k Swallower, Satan, Killer, …
As a rider, do you really care about your Uber or Lyft score?
What is the meaning of ‘out for delivery'?
Not Really
Philly Uber Riders, look for Driver Ed and Carpool Karaoke
Has anyone ever had ride from Driver Ed in Philadelphia? A young guy drives for Uber in Philadelphia he plays …
As a passenger, reading ride share blogs, what is a subject on which you would like discussion or answers?
Drivers are well aware of the in and outs of the ride share experience as they live it on a …
Riders, tell me about the best driver/experience you ever had with a ride share. What made it so good/special?
Riders, I would be interested in hearing about all the best of the best rides you have experienced. What made …
Passengers. What circumstances would you give a one-star rating to an Uber or Lyft driver?
This is a question for the passengers. Have you ever given a one-star rating? If so why?
Why has the issue of tipping for RideShare become such a fixation and under appreciated topic by the public?
What is it in the public's mindset that has set the stage for such a bruhaha over tipping RideShare drivers? …
Can You Find Love in a Rideshare?
I've been around the block too many times, and I just can't help noticing that this topic comes up for …
Do you let your teens use Uber?
My 16 yr old son needs to get to and from basketball practice, I know Uber doesn't all under 18s …
Drivers/ Riders How do you feel about a driver having a sign up about tipping in their vehicle or an actual tip box in their car???
WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FEEDBACK FROM DRIVERS AND RIDERS. I seen a sign in the 1st Uber I took that …
Passengers need to wear seatbelts especially in bad weather if not all the time. Also need to consider tipping in bad weather.
The weather was completely awful in Philly, New Jersey, Lower Bucks County, and probably many other areas. Wind, downpouring rain …
Things you should you never say to an Uber or Lyft driver?
“I’ll tip you in the app...” which is almost always a lie.“Hurry Up, I’m late for my …”. If …