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Female Urinal for Drivers?

{{ ratingSum }}
107 Driver
 Posted 5 years, 8 months ago

LOL I just came across this contraption today. Has anyone seen this before? Is it embarrassing to admit I kind of want to get one 😂  This is one of the big drawback of being a female driver...


    {{ ratingSum }}
    41 Rider
     5 years ago

    OMG this is hilarious! How would you use this sitting in a car though...

    {{ ratingSum }}
    8198 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    I may use that to add a quart of oil but sure as hell am not going to try and use it in my car. After using it your car would smell like piss as there is no where to  wash it out.  You would also have a container of piss in your car.  No thanks. Ill go to the nearest Rest Room and use a toilet then wash my hands. 

    This reminds me when my kids were little and we would take road trips. After 4 hrs of driving stopped to get gas.  My 5 yr old daughter woke up from a nap, seen a bottle that said lemon flavored water and took a mouthful. My older son then told her it was my 2 yr olds piss. Needless to say my daughter came into the gas station crying that she was poisoned & was going to die. So dramatic:)  FF 3 hrs later my son peed again in a bottle so my daughter decided to open the lid and empty it out of our moving car. At the time I didnt realize she did this. Problem was my friend and her kids were behind us in their car. When we got to hotel we found o…


    I may use that to add a quart of oil but sure as hell am not going to try and use it in my car. After using it your car would smell like piss as there is no where to  wash it out.  You would also have a container of piss in your car.  No thanks. Ill go to the nearest Rest Room and use a toilet then wash my hands. 

    This reminds me when my kids were little and we would take road trips. After 4 hrs of driving stopped to get gas.  My 5 yr old daughter woke up from a nap, seen a bottle that said lemon flavored water and took a mouthful. My older son then told her it was my 2 yr olds piss. Needless to say my daughter came into the gas station crying that she was poisoned & was going to die. So dramatic:)  FF 3 hrs later my son peed again in a bottle so my daughter decided to open the lid and empty it out of our moving car. At the time I didnt realize she did this. Problem was my friend and her kids were behind us in their car. When we got to hotel we found out that the pee landed all over her hood and windshield. My daughter apologized and said, " i didnt want to wake up and drink matt's pee again". We teased her for years over this. Never left a bottle of piss in my car again not starting now. 

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    {{ ratingSum }}
    259 Driver
     5 years ago

    BTW, ladies, that is NOT a urinal. I know you probably haven't seen one, but really.  That is not what a urinal is.

    thank you.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      8198 Rider Driver
       5 years ago  (edited 5 years ago)

      Bet that purple one is more than .92:) Plus you would need an additional container to catch the pee. Then would have to hope you can dispose of it before you get next rider. Car would be smelling like piss. Ill stick with Bathrooms. I am not 16 yrs old anymore drinking in the woods and squatting:) I also prefer running water and soap to wash my hands.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    86 Driver
     5 years ago

    Like driving for uber was not degrading enough.

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    1072 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    If your kids were in the car, would you use that?  The same rules of decency should apply here.

    Rideshare doesn't pay enough for me to lower myself to using something like that.  If you need to go, stop somewhere and use proper facilities.  

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    Which way does that go..?

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      62 Rider
       5 years ago

      😂 Um obviously the larger side is up...like a funnel

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    The other night I pulled over to the side of the road, pulled down my pants, peed, stood up, and was on my way. 30 seconds and I didnt need some fancy gadget...

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    WHAT THE? Do girls not know how to squat and pee anymore? This seems way more complicated. and what to do you with it after? Find a sink and wash it? Which of course defeats the purpose of peeing on the go.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
       5 years ago

      I assume this is meant to be used inside a car.  and into a bottle.