We saw reports of this in NYC, but a new report has been released for Boston with similar results.
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We saw reports of this in NYC, but a new report has been released for Boston with similar results.
I saw this article once that the Duck Boats are having to create new routes becuase of the traffic :0
had to look it up
The 'no travel' one makes me uneasy. So these are the people who NEVER went anywhere before? ...and now they are going somewhere because of Uber? That doesnt' seem right.
plenty of people don't have cars or have access to public transportation. come on.
I get that, but look carefully. There already is a "WALK" field. We are talking about people who don't even WALK being included in this chart. Who are these folks?
Lol, you are so right, that is so weird! Basically this chart is saying there are people out there who never went ANYWHERE and then once rideshares happened decided to venture out? The world is a strange place.
With the volume of rideshare vehicles on the road every day, it's no surprise.
those are nyc figures. we bostonians do things in reverse.
c'mon the one way roads in boston are already bad enough!!
Cow paths
That's actually a myth and a forklore.
"In the 1930s and 1940s, folklore abounded that the windy streets of Boston were originally determined by cows wandering aimlessly about the town. The old postcard below muses, "In Boston town, of old renown, the gentle cows the pathways made, which grew the streets that keep the stranger quite dismayed."
However... read on.
Shouldn't people using rideshares be easing traffic? people "shareing rides."? Shouldn't it be reducing the cars on the road. and over all.
Yeah, you'd think so, right? but that's not true for (at least) three reasons.
There you have it. "Ride-SHARES" are causing traffic.
Right, unless people start sharing the trips (not cars), we won't solve the traffic problems. People need to carpool more.
Does anyone know if anyone who even uses UberPool? I never have. I don't mind paying $8 instead of $6.
I would guess this is happening msot everywhere, not just Boston.
It must be all those Fasten drivers out there crowding the streets!