Will NYC's cap on number of rideshare drivers really ease the traffic congestion?
Posted 6 years, 6 months ago
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I think the cap will have a significant impact on traffic congestion.
While I may not be driving in NYC, we have the same problem with oversaturation of drivers. When I log in at 4am, as I drive through the streets of this city, at least 50% of the cars have Lyft amps, etc. If you look at the passenger app, it shows 7 cars within 2 or 3 blocks, and again, this is a 4 in the morning when the streets are empty! My guess is that during rush hour, at least 20% of the drivers in traffic work for TNC's, and probably 50% of the congestion in downtown can be attributed to the same.
I hope that Seattle will follow NYC and cap the number of drivers based on an algorithm that considers number of rides given, average rating and other statistics that you know Uber bean counters maintain.
I bet you can bet your donkey that Seattle is looking very closely at NYC's actions. Seattle has been very vocal so I am sure there are ready to make a move.
Then again, this is the city that let those gypsy cabs go wild for years and years without doing anything.
Yes. It should. I mean, capping means less cars. Less cars mean less congestion.
Isn't this discussion much deeper than that? I think most people admit there is traffic problem and something had to be done.
right. Traffic and driver pay.
I see the point of Uber how they want truly elastic workforce based on free market, but Uber obviously failed to address these problems if drivers were happy and the traffic congestion weren't a problem, they would have been able to dictate the rules
Instead, the problems got so bad the government HAD to take action.
They haven't reduced the number of cars right? I thought they just suspended new licenses for now. So no I don't think it will help. I wish it would. Traffic is out of control.
No there is this concept of utilization (essentially how busy the drivers are) and this affects the amount of money Uber has to pay out. There are incentives eto keep the drivers busy and to keep their number low.
That's the whole argument and goal to reduce the number of cars.
Oh ok. That makes sense. I sure hope it does the job.
When the politicians figure out how to fix the problem while still taking fat envelopes under the table then you will see a change. The NYPD ,FDNY & EMS will been complaining about how difficult it is to respond to a emergency. If we should ever have another major terrorist attack you can thank Mayor DeBlasio the biggest Moron since Dickens was mayor.
There are lots of reasons for traffic congestions. However, does reducing rideshares reduce congestions? Of course.
The cap will not but the raising of fares and new regulations will.put facts into perspective. The technology will be ulitized in lawful medallion taxis and no for hire vehicle will be cheaper. That means all you low class tightwad scumbags can go back into the bowels of mass transit where you belong. There were very few passenger and driver conflicts until app share 666 rolled in . The power of the driver s union in which uber was in fear of has now come into the spotlight. Good bye scumbags....