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PASSENGERS/RIDERS, How to check that the Uber you ordered is your Uber!

{{ ratingSum }}
8198 Rider Driver
 Posted 5 years, 10 months ago


Riders, "say my name" is not going to fly with most drivers. It's our only safety net. We have no info about you other than your name, pick up location and once we start trip the destination. You were not given a background check before being able to request rides. We dont have a picture of you. We never know what our riders are capable of, what they may do, if they are violent, etc... you are getting into our personal cars. We need to respect each other, be polite, and nice. Respect the Driver and their car you will get respect back. 

Once driver accepts your ride you have access to 

Name and pic

Color, Make, Model, of our car

License plate (you may have to go to back of car)

Checking the info above with whats in your app against drivers car are the only way to know you have the correct Uber. Signs and "say my name are not"!

Your app shows your drivers location and them driving to you. It will show you when we pull up and Uber alerts you that we have arrived. Your app has a profile on your driver how many trips they have, their rating, badges and notes other riders sent them. There is enough info about your driver in your app take a few minutes and read it before your ride.

Check the things above. When driver pulls up they may ask your name or they will ask you to confirm your drivers name or ask you who is your driver? This is in your rider app under TOS.  You can then verify with driver your destination. If you still are sceptical call or text driver before you get in …



Riders, "say my name" is not going to fly with most drivers. It's our only safety net. We have no info about you other than your name, pick up location and once we start trip the destination. You were not given a background check before being able to request rides. We dont have a picture of you. We never know what our riders are capable of, what they may do, if they are violent, etc... you are getting into our personal cars. We need to respect each other, be polite, and nice. Respect the Driver and their car you will get respect back. 

Once driver accepts your ride you have access to 

Name and pic

Color, Make, Model, of our car

License plate (you may have to go to back of car)

Checking the info above with whats in your app against drivers car are the only way to know you have the correct Uber. Signs and "say my name are not"!

Your app shows your drivers location and them driving to you. It will show you when we pull up and Uber alerts you that we have arrived. Your app has a profile on your driver how many trips they have, their rating, badges and notes other riders sent them. There is enough info about your driver in your app take a few minutes and read it before your ride.

Check the things above. When driver pulls up they may ask your name or they will ask you to confirm your drivers name or ask you who is your driver? This is in your rider app under TOS.  You can then verify with driver your destination. If you still are sceptical call or text driver before you get in car. You will hear drivers phone ring or get text notification.  

Yes! It will take a few minutes to verify but just may save your life. "Say my name" Is Not a full proof method. As I said most drivers will not say your name first. 

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    {{ ratingSum }}
    1072 Rider Driver
     5 years ago  (edited 5 years ago)

    Actually, we don't have the destination until after we start the trip, which leaves our only safety verification as the passenger name (which is usually fake), and a pickup location that Uber purposely changes for "passenger safety."  (i.e. 214 Main St is the passengers real address, but the address we're given to navigate to is 221 Main St.  Sometimes the address updates once we're there, sometimes it doesn't, but regardless, address isn't a very reliable verification either)  

    The last person to play this "Say my name" game refused to verify their name for me, so I sat there until the pickup timer hit 5 minutes, then I NO SHOW the ride and collect the no show fee because I didn't have a verified passenger show up for the trip.   

    My safety comes before say my name games.  

    Show Hide  9 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 8198 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      Thanks RedAnt . I made it more clear about the destination after we start trip. They give us (at least in Philly and NJ)the correct address but take the numbers out once trip is complete. That sucks they give you wrong address on pick up. On occassion in apartment complexes, colleges, malls the addresses are not spot on. I ordered an Uber for my daughter tonight. Last time I used app was Oct. for my daughter in law. Even though I put exact address in and resturant name a map came up and ask me to pin it. I had a hard time as the map was basically blank. I called driver she said it came up as Spice Rack. That is the place next door to the resturant. That was my fault but as I said it was hard to pin it on a blank map. Maybe thats why your addresses are off. I originally did put correct address in but it changed when I tried to pin it. Dont know why Uber needs to mess with app when there wasnt a problem. 

        {{ ratingSum }}
        1072 Rider Driver
         5 years ago

        I vaguely remember an in-app notice explaining this, but the reasoning was supposedly for "passenger safety."  It's really irritating when you navigate to a pickup location, arrive, you verify the listed address with the number on the house, then a few seconds later the house number changes and the passenger emerges from across the street of a house of two down the road.  

        Just another example of Uber "fixing" something until it's broken.  

          {{ ratingSum }}
          OP 8198 Rider Driver
           5 years ago

          Posting a pic of what I received from Uber today. Again confirms we dont give our name first. 

          {{ ratingSum }}
          OP 8198 Rider Driver
           5 years ago

          Uber is great at that fixing what isnt  broken and not fixing what is broken. They seem to be great at whatever suits them.  I put the name if the business, the address and then I had to place the pin. Problem is map is blank. How do I know where I put the pin? I dont know how new it is. If its recent I will have fun driving the drunks on Saturday night (my only night of the week I deal with drunks). I was straight and couldnt place the damn pin who knows where drunk people are going to put it. Lol  Guess Ill be collecting quite a few cancel fees this Saturday. 

      {{ ratingSum }}
      81 Driver
       5 years ago

      "Driver will ask your name you then give yours."   NO.

      You say "Hi" and say the passengers name so they know you are there to pick them up.

      The passenger should say "Hi" and your (the driver's) name so the driver knows they are the correct customer.

      I am tired of the wrong addresses put in to pick up at.   Sometimes the app will not let them put the correct address. It is for this reason that I never pull into a driveway.  It can be very dangerous.  Also, it makes me nervous when people try to get in the car and they are not where they were supposed to be.

        {{ ratingSum }}
        1072 Rider Driver
         5 years ago


        I pull up, a guy walks up to the car, I say "Hi Frank," he says "Hey" and he gets into the car.  I start the trip and we head down the road.  I arrive at the destination and wake up "Frank" who is drunk and passed out in the back seat.  When he wakes up he looks at me and asks:

        1.  Where are we?  This isn't my house.

        2.  Why are you calling me Frank?

        Congratulations on picking up the wrong passenger, forfeiting your fare,  leaving the actual rider stranded, and wasting everyone's time.   

        Why did this happen?  It's because you surrendered your sole piece of verification to appease a probable minimum fare rider.  

        What you should have done was pull up, and when they walk to your car you say "Hi, I'm RadarRider.  Your name please?"  Once you've verified their name and have confirmed that they're your passenger, you're free to play all the n…



        I pull up, a guy walks up to the car, I say "Hi Frank," he says "Hey" and he gets into the car.  I start the trip and we head down the road.  I arrive at the destination and wake up "Frank" who is drunk and passed out in the back seat.  When he wakes up he looks at me and asks:

        1.  Where are we?  This isn't my house.

        2.  Why are you calling me Frank?

        Congratulations on picking up the wrong passenger, forfeiting your fare,  leaving the actual rider stranded, and wasting everyone's time.   

        Why did this happen?  It's because you surrendered your sole piece of verification to appease a probable minimum fare rider.  

        What you should have done was pull up, and when they walk to your car you say "Hi, I'm RadarRider.  Your name please?"  Once you've verified their name and have confirmed that they're your passenger, you're free to play all the name games you want.  (or that you'll tolerate)

        Following this forces them to confirm their identity.  This is for your protection to prevent unknown/incorrect riders from getting into your car.  

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          {{ ratingSum }}
          81 Driver
           5 years ago

          You forgot the part where he was supposed to say your name BEFORE you let him in the car.

          Either way works, 

          you say their name,     they say yours.         

          You say your name,       they say theirs.       

          Lately I have not been starting non house pickups until they give me my name.   Just to raise awareness.  

           People usually only check the car and the pic.

            {{ ratingSum }}
            OP 8198 Rider Driver
             5 years ago

            Its there about the names in the original post. You have to click "more". Its also in the screeshot. 

            {{ ratingSum }}
            1072 Rider Driver
             5 years ago

            "Saying names" is but a game to make the paranoid and/or stupid feel safer.   

            I'm not playing it.  

            Passenger tells me their name for their security, I verify that this is the correct person to allow into my car, and we move forward from there.  If the blatantly obvious clues like vehicle description, pictures and license plate numbers aren't enough, them pursuing the ride is a waste of my time.  Cancel and move on.