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Viewing posts for the category Rider Community

Rideshare Services for the Elderly, and Less Tech-Savvy! (Uber for Seniors)

Posted by: RideGuru Team in Rider Community , Rideshare Knowledge 6 years, 9 months ago

 rideshare services for the elderly

Did you know there are rideshare services made specifically for senior citizens? These services cater to riders who either don’t have a smartphone or aren’t comfortable using one, need cars with handicap accessibility, require help getting to and from the door, or simply are looking for a service that provides additional safety features.

Luckily, a variety of services have been introduced to help seniors, and their caregivers, address some of these challenges.

Here is a list of those companies that accommodate the senior community! Some are standalone rideshare services, others are just free services, and some help you book your …

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Van Taxi vs. Uber XL: A Cost Comparison

Posted by: RideGuru Team in Rider Community , Rideshare Knowledge 6 years, 11 months ago

It is pretty common knowledge that in most cities Uber X is cheaper than a traditional yellow taxi but if you are traveling with a larger group should you take an Uber XL or a Van Taxi? Which is cheaper, Uber XL or a minivan cab? We did some research on the subject so you can make sure to find the cheapest ride for your group of 5 or 6.

First, what is a Van Taxi? A van taxi or minivan taxi is still a traditional yellow cab but instead of a sedan that can only seat up to 4 …

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Live in the Suburbs? Get ready to pay Uber's "Long Distance Pick Up Fee"

Posted by: RideGuru Team in Announcements , Driver Community , Rider Community , Rideshare Knowledge 6 years, 11 months ago

On Tuesday, Uber announced its latest change, long distance pick up fees. Yes, this means Uber will now charge passengers an extra fee when it takes a driver around eight minutes or more to come pick them up.

The new fee was released under Uber's "180 Days of Change" program in an attempt to give Uber drivers more driving incentives.

This extra fee will effect those living out of the city in less populated areas where drivers are more spread out. While it may frustrate suburban riders that an extra fee will be tacked onto their Uber …

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Can my Uber or Lyft driver see how much I tip?

Posted by: RideGuru Team in Rider Community , Rideshare Knowledge 7 years ago

Now that both Uber and Lyft allow you to tip your driver through the app, many riders are worried that drivers will rate passengers based on the amount they tip. Here is how both Uber and Lyft reveal how much passengers tip. 


Uber drivers do not see their tip amounts until after they have rated you. In fact, Uber drivers have to rate their passengers before they can even accept another fare. In the Uber driver app the driver must swipe to complete the ride and at that point they are immediately taken to a ratings screen. This makes …

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What Uber Riders Really Want!

Posted by: RideGuru Team in Driver Community , Rider Community 7 years ago

We get a lot of searches and questions on RideGuru pertaining to rideshares. Most are your standard questions such as the difference between Uber X and XL or how much a ride will cost in NYC but every so often we get some absolute gems! To brighten up your Wednesday hump day we wanted to share our the most unique searches that have been completed on RideGuru. Enjoy!


The guy who looked to RideGuru when stranded.

Around 3:00am on Halloween night someone searched “I need something cheap I only have 17 bucks and I am stranded”. Has this person not …

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