What things or favors have you gotten for tips? I got an popsicle yesterday and it made me happy.
and keep it clean. LOL.
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What things or favors have you gotten for tips? I got an popsicle yesterday and it made me happy.
and keep it clean. LOL.
Someone tried to give me a kitten once. I swear the person wasn't joking.
Actually, it may have been a chipmunk.
How do you not remember?
I guess they may look alike.
She was carrying around a big box 📦 with scurrying creatures. I didn’t actually see them
For her sake, I hope they were kittens.
Here I expected sweet stories of wonderful tips, and all people can talk are receiving onions, eggs, and kittens. This topic took a weird turn.
Sexual favors. I haven’t had one though. LOL I hear about it all the time but I’m starting to doubt it ever happens. Must be a myth
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Candy bars & cigarettes (when i used to smoke).
Someone gave me a bag of onions once. Pre-covid.
Scallions for me. Grocery tips are surprisingly common. And I drive in the city too, not near farms.
Random swag. T-shirts, keychains, stressballs, stickers, cards, stuff like that. corporate passengers in cambridge.
I don't understand why people are giving drivers things as tips.
I assume they aren't really meant to be tips or to replace tips. They are just giving things for the sake of being nice, right?
Yes, I think so. The lady who gave me the popsicle did leave me a full tip. In fact more than average.
So it wasn't to replace the tip. It's just people being nice. and those who give me things are generous people who also tip.