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Drivers, "our car our rules". Do you agree with this? See article.

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8198 Rider Driver
 Posted 5 years, 8 months ago



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    1602 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    I personally feel the driver was completely out of line.  When I signed up to drive for Uber, I agreed to provide safe transportation from point A to point B.  It is absolutely NONE of my business where they're going  nor what they'll be doing once I drop them off.  PERIOD.  

    Even if I know the person is going to doing something illegal that is NONE of my business UNLESS I knew they were going to hurt someone else, in which case I'd reroute myself to the local PD and let them handle it.

    Abortion is LEGAL.  It doesn't matter if you agree!  In fact that driver and I would probably agree on many points, BUT, it is LEGAL and we have NO right to pass judgement period.

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      OP 8198 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      Not passing judgment. I would even take care of or help someone after they had the abortion. I would pick them up at the clinic afterwards. Just not going to participate in getting it done. I've posted below to explain. Also what i dont understand is what the police are going to do or why they would get involved. Driver shouldn't of said what he said because of course he should keep his opinions, religions, and beliefs to himself. Was just saying we should not be forced to take a ride that we feel is unsafe or take a ride that is against our Religious beliefs as we have a right in this country of religious freedom. Yes abortion it legal, yes she has the rright to get one. I just dont want to participate. not asking anyone to side with me, not trying to convince anyone to share my beliefs or change their beliefs . Not asking if you are pro choice or pro life. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
    190 Driver
     5 years ago  (edited 5 years ago)

    This “news” article is uncorroborated. They literally quoted the reddit author as a source from her own hoax/story. Great journalism there. Well done. The Independent can’t even stick to their own Code of Ethics anymore:

    {{ ratingSum }}
    OP 8198 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    I did not post this to get into a discussion about abortion rights or what I  believe in or anyone else  believes in. It just so happened the article was about abortion. My point I was trying to make was we are independent contractors. We choose to run our business how we want to run it. Obviously there may be some consequences on some of your choices but that's on  each individual driver. My car my rules start when I get the ping. Do i want that ride or not? If i choose to take it then that rider needs to be respectful, and not distructive or abusive.  I respect and i am polite to every rider who steps into my car. Dont break anything, be respectful of me & my car, relax, make yourself comfortable. They are my  my rules. I will do just about anything they ask as long as its not hurting anyone or breaking any laws. If your pet needs to be rushed to hospital jump in lets go. Rider sick and wants to go to hospital sure jump on in. Just so you are aware y…


    I did not post this to get into a discussion about abortion rights or what I  believe in or anyone else  believes in. It just so happened the article was about abortion. My point I was trying to make was we are independent contractors. We choose to run our business how we want to run it. Obviously there may be some consequences on some of your choices but that's on  each individual driver. My car my rules start when I get the ping. Do i want that ride or not? If i choose to take it then that rider needs to be respectful, and not distructive or abusive.  I respect and i am polite to every rider who steps into my car. Dont break anything, be respectful of me & my car, relax, make yourself comfortable. They are my  my rules. I will do just about anything they ask as long as its not hurting anyone or breaking any laws. If your pet needs to be rushed to hospital jump in lets go. Rider sick and wants to go to hospital sure jump on in. Just so you are aware you should be calling rescue as they are trained if something happens to you on the way. I am friendly, caring, and empathetic. I will make you comfortable, try to accomodate if you need me to do something,  but if you want to hurt someone, commit a crime, or get an abortion sorry cant help you. Its my religion and what I strongly believe in.  I also wont pick you up if your rating is below a 4.5, you have a fake name in the app such as "dick swallower", yes got that onev3 weeks ago, feel you pose a threat, i feel unsafe. 

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    1072 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    "My car my rules" pertains to activities that occur INSIDE that car, and doesn't give me a right to dictate the moral choices of others.  I don't agree with abortion, but I recognize that it's not my place to make that decision for others.  

    As a woman who has lost a a very much wanted pregnancy, if someone had decided to do this to me when I faced one of the most traumatic times in my life, it could very well have ended in suicide.  

    I don't know the passengers medical history.  I don't know what issues they're facing.  It's not my business, it's something that she and her doctor need to decide on based upon their personal circumstances.  

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 8198 Rider Driver
       5 years ago  (edited 5 years ago)

      Didnt say it was my business. The driver shouldn't of said what he said, agreed.  What other people do is their business not mine but as a catholic I dont believe in abortion or assisting in one. I want no parts in  helping. 

        {{ ratingSum }}
        1072 Rider Driver
         5 years ago

        If my baby is already dead, should I have to continue to carry it, or is it okay to go to a clinic for D&C?  At that point, by not helping this person,  you're not preserving life, but rather contributing to the suffering of someone who has already suffered a horribly traumatic loss.  Helping at that point is called compassion, not murder.

        Objecting to something is fine.  Obstructing someone from getting care based on your beliefs is a totally different thing.   Once you allow people to make these decisions for others, where do you draw the line?  Can mormon drivers refuse to drop riders off at Starbucks or at a bar?  Will people be able to refuse to drive gays?  Who will decide what is and isn't "acceptable" behavior?  

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          OP 8198 Rider Driver
           5 years ago

          The baby is dead so that is hardly considered an abortion. It is a miscarriage. Big difference. Him declining to take her hardly put her at risk. Ubers are not ambulances, rescue squad, etc. If you have a medical emergency you shouldn't  be taking an Uber.  Mormon drivers not taking to bars is a hell of big difference. Actually if their  beliefs were that strong about alcohol may be a good idea not driving weekend nights. Of course you shouldn't decline gay people but yet again big difference in gay people and the topic. My post was not about abortion rights. It was about being forced to take rides. If you feel uncomfortable, unsafe we can refuse a ride. As a citizens of the US i have religious freedoms. In my religion its against that religion to participate in abortions. So no I am not taking a person to get one. That is my right to practice my religion. For your 2 examples big difference in scenarios. Mormon religion doesnt say dont drive drunk people. If it …


          The baby is dead so that is hardly considered an abortion. It is a miscarriage. Big difference. Him declining to take her hardly put her at risk. Ubers are not ambulances, rescue squad, etc. If you have a medical emergency you shouldn't  be taking an Uber.  Mormon drivers not taking to bars is a hell of big difference. Actually if their  beliefs were that strong about alcohol may be a good idea not driving weekend nights. Of course you shouldn't decline gay people but yet again big difference in gay people and the topic. My post was not about abortion rights. It was about being forced to take rides. If you feel uncomfortable, unsafe we can refuse a ride. As a citizens of the US i have religious freedoms. In my religion its against that religion to participate in abortions. So no I am not taking a person to get one. That is my right to practice my religion. For your 2 examples big difference in scenarios. Mormon religion doesnt say dont drive drunk people. If it does dont drive weekends. As far as gay people although some religions dont agree with it I am not aware of any that states you have to stay away from gay people or you cant drive gay people. Catholic school religion states "you cannot have abortion or participate in one". 

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    OP 8198 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    We seem to be losing some of our freedom everyday. This isnt just referring to just rideshare. We cant say anything anymore as it may "offend" someone, we are supposed to use the "correct pronouns" or  its considered criminal behavior (yes there are groups/people out there that want laws passed for it to be considered criminal behavior if you dont use the correct pronouns), what happened to freedom of Religion (if you are religiously and morally against abortion why should you have to participate)?  If it was against this drivers religion or beliefs why should they have to drive rider to the abortion clinic? We are independent contractors. We own or make payments on our cars. It is our business, our car our rules. Granted if we do or dont do certain things we can be deactivated but now we have to go against our religion and/or our beliefs. BULLSHIT!!!  My car was paid for by me, i pay for gas, i maintain it, clean it, etc no  ignorant self entit…


    We seem to be losing some of our freedom everyday. This isnt just referring to just rideshare. We cant say anything anymore as it may "offend" someone, we are supposed to use the "correct pronouns" or  its considered criminal behavior (yes there are groups/people out there that want laws passed for it to be considered criminal behavior if you dont use the correct pronouns), what happened to freedom of Religion (if you are religiously and morally against abortion why should you have to participate)?  If it was against this drivers religion or beliefs why should they have to drive rider to the abortion clinic? We are independent contractors. We own or make payments on our cars. It is our business, our car our rules. Granted if we do or dont do certain things we can be deactivated but now we have to go against our religion and/or our beliefs. BULLSHIT!!!  My car was paid for by me, i pay for gas, i maintain it, clean it, etc no  ignorant self entitled a##hole is going to force me to take them anywhere I dont want to go. These young adults need to grow up and realize everybody dont have to cater to them, do what they want you to do, or believe in what they believe, or agree with their choices. I've seen in other forums where riders think we should not be allowed to smoke in our cars (yes not a good idea unless you have good air freshner or dont mind a low rating) but where do these self entitled idiots get off saying what we can and cant do in something we pay for and own? She called the police. FOR WHAT? Boo hoo my Uber driver wouldnt take me to the abortion clinic. SERIOUSLY??? Uber deactivated the guy. This is total bullshit. You can get an Uber to an abortion clinic but cant take one to get birth control. 

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      190 Driver
       5 years ago

      The posts on Reddit that were pro-life were all censored. That should terrify pro-choice and pro-life people. 1st amendment going buh-bye. Personally I’m all for tyranny. Delusions of freedom are kind of annnoying.