Brendan G (BGraft89)
Ride Apprentice
622 Rider DriverActivity
Posts by BGraft89
Drivers. What circumstances would you give a one-star rating to your passenger?
Cleaning Fee Scam - Simple water trick. Cleans itself up.
I am an experienced driver with over several thousand trips. One of my friends fell for the cleaning fee scam … -
Passengers. What circumstances would you give a one-star rating to an Uber or Lyft driver?
This is a question for the passengers. Have you ever given a one-star rating? If so why? -
Have you signed the petition? Uber and Lyft drivers asking for relief from higher gas prices [Curbed]
Sure, there are many petitions but this one will hit your wallet directly and it hits us immediately. It seems … -
San Francisco on the move. Uber to provide healthcare...to "employees"?
I don't necessarily agree with San Francisco on this one. Whatever arguments they are making will continue to stunt the … -
What is Uber Teen?
A California Ruling Threatens the Gig Economy [Wired]
California strikes again. This is the state that boldly told Uber that the drivers aren't independent contractors but employees. That … -
Dara's answer to low driver's pay. A bunch of runaround if you ask me.
Did people see the interview with Harry and Dara? Harry asked some questions on driver earning and basically, Dara's answers … -
Didi and Uber's Secound Battleground is Mexico
Here we go again! https://www.recode.net/2018/4/23/17258666/uber-didi-ride-hail-cars-latin-america -
Lyft Passenger Going to LAX Is Left in Random Parking Lot After Driver Realizes He’ll Only Make $6
Some sees an asshole driver. Some sees an unsustainable business model "Lyft driver abandons pilot in parking lot after learning … -
Uber Disabled Volvo SUV's Safety System Before Fatality [Bloomberg]
Are they getting desperate? It's a total deflection tactic. Trying to shift the blame away from their technology but the … -
Can I drive a pickup truck for Uber? I do have an extended cab, i.e. backseats.
Featured Answers by BGraft89
Remember this mantra of being an Uber driver:
You make money by driving the rush or driving the drunks.
Doesn't that appear on the ride request page?
Just remember and perhaps go reference the training Uber gave you.
Oh, right there isn't any. LOL.
I just washed my car with a hose last night and I’m in Boston dropping to minus 2 degrees.
As long as you drive right away, the doors don’t freeze up. Maybe a little but I don’t feel it to be a huge problem.
Btw, if you are referring to the last few weeks? My local car wash has been closed. I guess they figured it isn’t worth it. LOL
I am completely ignorant about this. I mean I am aware of the employee vs. contractor thing. Does this settlement mean that every driver moving forward will be an employee?
I appreciate the suggestions but some of these on Amazon has 2 stars, like the Silipower. (not to mention no longer available)
Oh, the Pyle one even has the wrong link. It goes to an error page.
This will never work. I don't have $400 to drop on this.
I think they completely underestimate the ability for us drivers to make this sort of investment.
Tip? No. But I sort of want it.
It’s like how I purchased my Ford in the highest trim just so I can get the soft LED glow on the floorboard. Also the FORD metal lettering on the hood and also on the mud flaps.
Do you choose Uber or Lyft? Or do you get both. Having both would look ghetto
No. There are ways for Uber to know whether the photo is old, re-used, altered, etc. Take a look at this post:
How is Uber fighting back against Cleaning Fees Scams?
Isn't that illegal? Yes, the cars are the drivers', and they should be able to do whatever they want in it. They also need to protect themselves and webcams are one of the few ways they do that.
One time I had to drive three five year olds and they each brought her own booster seat. It was adorable. They were going to one of the girls' birthday party. Yes, mom was there.
I don’t think you have to worry. What you don’t realize is that there are people who intentionally slam the door because it’s fun or whatever. Happens all the time with the drunk frat boys who have too much energy. Surprised my window hasn’t yet shattered
The drivers do prefer cash, but that’s not what changes the ratings of you. See, drivers mostly rate you right after the ride and before moving on to the next customer. The problem? They rate you before they see how much you tipped or whether you tipped.
If you tip cash, they’ll rate you knowing you left a tip hence you may get a better positive ratings
Of course, you tipping in the app won’t prompt drivers to give you negative ratings, but you may have left an opening where they may think you may not.
It is SO hard to go one mile down to the next exit. I mean, who has 2.5 minutes to waste?
Yeah, the brake lights overexposed the video and you can't read the plate. Bummer, man.
I qualify for UberXL, but 90% of my rides are UberX. Total bummer, as I thought a larger car would net me much more money. It stinks because I am incurring higher gas mileage to receive UberXs.
Then again, those 10% of the times, I make boosted revenue, so it definitely helps.
You should also keep in mind that this changes significantly from day to day. Say on the weekends, I get way many more XL requests. It also depends on where I am too.
Good stuff. thanks.
I have gotten several trips from Boston Logan that were about a 100 miles. To Portsmouth, NH, Springfield, MA, and Hartford, CT. All very lucrative because they are right off of Interstates so I can travel great distance in a short period. I will admit that the return requests haven't been kind, but I definitely came out on top on those days.
I spoke to these passengers, and they all did this due to flight arrangements or to save costs on airfare. Sometimes, it's much cheaper to take UberXs from city to city as the last leg of the flight.
OK, I will bite. ...but where's the company name?!
I have never met, spoken to, or saw a post of a driver had who had perfect 5.00, assuming he or she had been driving for a few months. Say 500 rides.
No, I’m not doubting you. I’m just honored.
Right, it's the kids who are out on a Wednesday. Adults aren't out there drinking and going out. They are probably busy driving the kids around. :)
I was going to say that the big day was the Saturday prior. All the Halloween parties and themed bar/restaurant events. The truth though? It didn't seem as busy as regular weekend. I guess the demand kept up until later, maybe?
I was told by another driver that I should have been out during the day on Saturday. like 1~4PM.
Ummm...thank you. I was excited to open it at first, but then for everything it basically says I need consent from all parties.
So naturally, I have to know what constitutes a "consent." It actually makes me wonder
Here's what it says for me: "The recording, interception, use or disclosure of any conversation, whether in person or via wire or telephone, without the consent of all the parties is prohibited. However, telephone equipment, which is furnished to a phone company subscriber and used in the ordinary course of business, as well as office intercommunication systems used in the ordinary course of business, is excluded from the definition of unlawful interception devices."