Brendan G (BGraft89)
Ride Apprentice
622 Rider DriverActivity
Posts by BGraft89
Drivers. What circumstances would you give a one-star rating to your passenger?
Cleaning Fee Scam - Simple water trick. Cleans itself up.
I am an experienced driver with over several thousand trips. One of my friends fell for the cleaning fee scam … -
Passengers. What circumstances would you give a one-star rating to an Uber or Lyft driver?
This is a question for the passengers. Have you ever given a one-star rating? If so why? -
Have you signed the petition? Uber and Lyft drivers asking for relief from higher gas prices [Curbed]
Sure, there are many petitions but this one will hit your wallet directly and it hits us immediately. It seems … -
San Francisco on the move. Uber to provide healthcare...to "employees"?
I don't necessarily agree with San Francisco on this one. Whatever arguments they are making will continue to stunt the … -
What is Uber Teen?
A California Ruling Threatens the Gig Economy [Wired]
California strikes again. This is the state that boldly told Uber that the drivers aren't independent contractors but employees. That … -
Dara's answer to low driver's pay. A bunch of runaround if you ask me.
Did people see the interview with Harry and Dara? Harry asked some questions on driver earning and basically, Dara's answers … -
Didi and Uber's Secound Battleground is Mexico
Here we go again! https://www.recode.net/2018/4/23/17258666/uber-didi-ride-hail-cars-latin-america -
Lyft Passenger Going to LAX Is Left in Random Parking Lot After Driver Realizes He’ll Only Make $6
Some sees an asshole driver. Some sees an unsustainable business model "Lyft driver abandons pilot in parking lot after learning … -
Uber Disabled Volvo SUV's Safety System Before Fatality [Bloomberg]
Are they getting desperate? It's a total deflection tactic. Trying to shift the blame away from their technology but the … -
Can I drive a pickup truck for Uber? I do have an extended cab, i.e. backseats.
Featured Answers by BGraft89
Remember this mantra of being an Uber driver:
You make money by driving the rush or driving the drunks.
Taking too much risk, but that's to be expected from Chicago's interception king.
They need time to have cigarette before hopping on the car.
School. Also there may be more people driving for Uber due to better weather and people out of school (think teachers) trying to make an extra buck.
So the demand is down because the school people are out, and the supply is up because school people are driving.
Yes, you can. Just call a car to the location your friend or family wants it. However, the driver is not obligated to take that person, since technically it may be against the rules? I am not sure of the official rules or whether it is enforced by Uber.
I'd imagine the drivers would be pretty nervous about taking someone else, because people can take advantage of it. I think the best is for you to make sure to text the driver and communicate the name of the person it is being ordered for.
I’m not Philly so I can’t say it with confidence but I think I read on this forum that people register for Philly as a driver which allows you to cover South Jersey.
Philly has some weird requirements though. Like getting special inspections every year.
I guess NYC isn’t much better wit the TLC.
It reminded me of TRYP also. If Big players like Lyft cannot be profitable, how would this small company be?
They promise higher payout for drivers but the money has to come from somewhere. That means higher fares which will destroy user adoption. It can also mean business efficiency through streamlining but I’m not sure if these people offer that
I like what other posters are saying too. I feel like these guys can prove themselves a bit if they want any funding.
Rubs me the wrong way when they use GOAT. It's presumptuous and obviously taken from Tom Brady's nickname.
I don’t want NH burritos crossing the border. We must stop the invasion
Are you in Portland?! Oh, man, I feel bad for you. We don't have that issue in Boston ...yet.
Make sure to raise a huge fuss, so it doesn't make it here. It's currently in trial mode, I believe.
We still don’t have scooters in Boston at all. How can this be? Is Boston not a good test market? Were the law makers able to hold them back? Is it not worth (ie big enough) fighting for market share yet?
I never thought scooter companies cared for following the rules so I’m a bit perplexed by this
Are there other cities like this? We have bikes but not scooters.
Steven has a point. I am in the game for flexibility but Uber is really riding that. It doesn’t mean Uber being our employer means we lose all control over what we have.
Let’s look at it realistically.
Let’s not fall into Uber’s propaganda here.
yes, but we all work for both. It's all about the coverage. In the Boston market, especially in the suburbs, Uber is still king.
You'd use it in Boston? The reason it is so attractive in NYC is because it is an island, and there are huge bottlenecks in its bridges. The 8 minute ride can save an hour. Not sure if Boston has anything similar to that.
I too signed up around your time, and I remember their promises. They had them all over the place, on billboards and magazines.
There were lots of disclaimers and find prints though. For one, I think it was only for the first few months, and it had a strict requirements where you had to give x number of rides and work certain number of hours or days or something. (I am pretty sure it was more the # of rides. I was in Boston.)
I do remember doing the math and talking to my buddies about it. Basically, if you met the minimum number of rides, you end up making the amount anyways. There were only special cases and very specific drivers who received the difference, and this happened only if they were faced with too many short rides that didn't pay much for each trip. (think downtown big cities)
So technically, you can work 24/7 all month, but if you didn't give enough rides or receive enough requests, they didn't have to pay you any extra.
Was the $7.92 the big driver settlement every one's talking about? LOL
(I totally thought it was Momo also. Funny thing. It's actually a cute handle except for the scary pics that were circulated.)
Those who won't participate will get all the surges in the world!
...hence I don't believe this will work. There has to be unity for this type of thing to work.
It’s like that time I got pulled over in CT for not knowing you can’t have the phone up to the ear. How am I supposed to know that if I was just driving through the state?
Put up a huge sign with all the state level driving rules?
Uber is trying to do some things like paying premium for unwanted or long rides and allowing the driver to jump back into the digital queue at airports if he ride is too short. They are trying to eliminate reasons drivers want to cherry pick and do unruly things "before" the trip starts. (because that's the real issue)
What do you mean you haven’t had a coherent talks? LOL. Like not being able to speak English or they just didn’t know how to hold a conversation.
Btw, that’s funny. I actually don’t really see a chance to hang or converse with other drivers. I mean, I see their cars all the time as they have stickers on them, but never close, bored enough , or in-person to talk.
Actually the airport maybe the only exception.
I don’t think I have this feature. I’m an Uber Pro. At least I think I am.
I’m in Boston