Ask a Driver
Do you have questions for your Uber anad Lyft drivers? What about tips and suggestions? Whether you are a driver or a rider, share your comments here and get responses from real rideshare drivers.
What is your experience with CarGo? Or selling products overall? Is it profitable? Is it even legal?
Common reasons Uber drivers give low ratings to passengers? Let's say anything less than a five star rating?
Any Drivers out there driving New Years Eve?
I did drive last year. It was steady but not as busy as the night before Thanksgiving. Had my 1st …
Cancellation Reason: Stopped the car mid-trip to yell at a pigeon
Only in New York...
Do taxi and Uber drivers feel angry when customers use GPS map during their rides?
Do you struggle to find parking for a quick bathroom break?
I am the founder of SpotAngels which is a community-based parking app that helps drviers find parking and avoid tickets. …
How much would you pay to guarantee your rating never drops below 5 stars?
Just think about it, you could decline rude passengers or tell someone off for being a jerk without it hurting …
Thoughts on Lyfts Personal Power Zones?
Have you found it to work better than their prime time model? I primarily driver for Uber but am curious …
Do Uber/Lyft drivers mind if you sit in the front seat if you are the only passenger?
If my vehicle is wrapped in an advertisement, can I still use this car for Uber X?
Should I tell my pax it is my first ride as a driver?
Nervous to begin this journey!!
How many drug deals were done by a passenger in your car? How many call girls have you transported between appointments?
I've had my share of dark alley drug deals done and a lot of call girls traveling between appointments. All …
Drive or Sit?
I am just curious as to what the majority of rideshare drivers do as I have heard many different things. …
New Years Resolution for Uber/Lyft Riders! What if????
What if everyone who takes Uber/Lyft New Years Resolution included tipping your driver? Would be nice. Received 7 tips out …
Should be common sense but trust me it's not. Thought I'd share.
You would think what I am about to post would be common sense, that people know how to do it, …
Uber Ghost drivers -- literally!
Now this is a new one. Drivers in China changing their profile pictures to ghosts and zombies so that people …
Survey! Drivers, please help us to uncover the truth about rideshare driver pay.
Our friends at want to shed some light on how much rideshare drivers really make across the United States. …
Just got a $50 tip!!
Passenger on business trip wanted me to stop at chipotle and said he would tip extra. Stopped for 5 quick …
Can you get bedbugs from an Uber car?
According to this exterminator in Dallas, he treats 5-10 rideshare cars a WEEK for bedbugs. This has me re-thinking the …
Is anyone experiencing and issue wuth Uber not reimbursing drivers for all tolls?
Hi, Three times in the past three weeks I had to call Uber to complain that I was not reimbursed …