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Do drivers really want to become employees? What about the "work when you can" flexibility?

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 Posted 5 years, 7 months ago

It seems to me that drivers are split on becoming an employee vs. remaining a contractor. I feel the way the votes are split, nothing productive will come out of these discussions, and the lack of unity will hurt when it comes to fighting the giants and lawmakers.

What do drivers want in general?  Which side would win if we took a vote tomorrow across all Uber and Lyft drivers?


    {{ ratingSum }}
    8198 Rider Driver
     5 years ago  (edited 5 years ago)

    I drive 25/30 hrs but right now it is my only job. I've been in the healthcare industry since I was 15 yrs old and love it. Ufortunately my health isnt the best and my back & knees have taken abuse over the years lifting patients. I love driving, meeting new people, learning new things, and going to new places. I love the flexibility and the instant pay. They are definitely 2 things I dont want to lose. It would be nice maybe to come up with another category IC, employee, other (tbn), or make those who want benefits, sick time, vacation, employees and make the rest IC's or other. I dont know what the answer is just wish some things would change. I would be really happy with rate increase even if it was what it was 2/2.5 yrs ago, 75%/25% split, ID riders (sign up with valid ID and card), use real names, and just have U & L be fair & treat us with a little more respect. Whatever I may think or other drivers think dont matter to these companies or the politicians. It&…


    I drive 25/30 hrs but right now it is my only job. I've been in the healthcare industry since I was 15 yrs old and love it. Ufortunately my health isnt the best and my back & knees have taken abuse over the years lifting patients. I love driving, meeting new people, learning new things, and going to new places. I love the flexibility and the instant pay. They are definitely 2 things I dont want to lose. It would be nice maybe to come up with another category IC, employee, other (tbn), or make those who want benefits, sick time, vacation, employees and make the rest IC's or other. I dont know what the answer is just wish some things would change. I would be really happy with rate increase even if it was what it was 2/2.5 yrs ago, 75%/25% split, ID riders (sign up with valid ID and card), use real names, and just have U & L be fair & treat us with a little more respect. Whatever I may think or other drivers think dont matter to these companies or the politicians. It's all about the "money" how much the companies make & how much U & L willing to pay the politicians to do what they want.  Not saying every city has politicians that are pd off at the moment but if AB5 passes in CA other cities are going to jump on board. Uber and Lyft cant afford to make every driver an employee hence the payoffs. We need an elected group of drivers with our own lawyers, politicians, and U and L to sit the hell down and hash this out. What is good in one city may not be good for another (busy cities vs not so busy cities). Something has to give. These 2 companies have been getting away with far too much for too long in many ways. They walk all over drivers and show no respect. For them we are a means to an end, Self driven cars. I feel they thought these autonomous vehicles would be on the road much faster when they first came out with the idea of a rideshare app but they are not. They need to get over it and Dara K needs to get over himself. Dudes ego is bigger than CA. Uber and Lyft raise rates, 75/25% split, treat us fairly, and knock off all their so called "benefits for driver" such as Uber Pro than maybe I'll be a good little "Ant". Until then keep showing  no respect, keep lowering our rates, taking bigger cuts than 75% I cant possibly do what they want us to do. Take better care of your drivers and drivers will respond by doing a much better job. 

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    Show Hide  6 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
       5 years ago

      You should start UberNurse. OnDemand nurse service, for at-home care, administering medications and bringing prescriptions.

      I think a lot of people would take advantage of it. Getting antibiotics at a doctor’s office takes a visit, waiting, and taking half a day off work. It is very unproductive. 

        {{ ratingSum }}
        8198 Rider Driver
         5 years ago

        They all ready have these types of services. Home care agencies that send Home Health aides and nurses. Prescriptions can be sent from an online pharmacy company through the mail or most pharmacies have their own delivery service. Unfortunately if you need an antibiotic you have no choice but to go see your doctor. They need to do an exam and possibly order some test before they hand you a script for an antibiotic. I believe there are all ready companies out there that have drivers that go to a store pick up what you request and then deliver it to you. So unfortunately companies all ready exists. I wasnt a fan of doing Home Health Care.  Foo boring to do all the time:) Give it 5/10 yrs Uber CEO Dara K will have Uber Ambulance, Uber Hearse, Uber on demand Nurses, etc... He has all ready stated he wants to take over the transportation Industry. He wants to be the Amazon of transportation. Can you say Egotistical? Lol That is good ole Dara K.

      {{ ratingSum }}
      668 Driver
       5 years ago

      Driving is yet another job that’s horrible for your back!  LO

      {{ ratingSum }}
      86 Driver
       5 years ago

      So much great feedback packed into a single paragraph. Dara should be reading this. These items like checking rider IDs and rate increase I don’t think are too much to ask   

      What makes me wonder is that Uber somehow cannot make a profit taking 25% (or more) from every ride where basically all they do is to match up the driver and a rider. And the app already exists. 

      I feel like the business model has always been flawed if they cannot take a flat fee and just stick with it. I’d like to think they did the math when they started the business, come on. 

        {{ ratingSum }}
        8198 Rider Driver
         5 years ago

        I think they made rides cheap and they subsidized rides to get people to use the service. They woukd love the convenience, prices, no cash it was perfect. Once hooked people wouldnt stop using it, they would give up yheir own cars and use Uber forever. lol It worked! I may be wrong just my opinion but I really think Travis (at the time) knew they wouldnt turn a profit immediately but he could take the $ that was coming in and sink it all into self driving cars. Their thought was these cars would be ready in less than say 5 yrs. Thats when they would get rid of drivers. Ridership would be established & would continue to increase and Uber would then be profitable with no drivers to pay. Self driving cars years off and Lyft came into the picture. Now Uber is bitter because their self driving cars are not ready and they are still paying drivers which drives them insane. Then Travis was booted out and Dastardly Dara took over. He had big plans and wanted to be just like Jeff Bezos. The…


        I think they made rides cheap and they subsidized rides to get people to use the service. They woukd love the convenience, prices, no cash it was perfect. Once hooked people wouldnt stop using it, they would give up yheir own cars and use Uber forever. lol It worked! I may be wrong just my opinion but I really think Travis (at the time) knew they wouldnt turn a profit immediately but he could take the $ that was coming in and sink it all into self driving cars. Their thought was these cars would be ready in less than say 5 yrs. Thats when they would get rid of drivers. Ridership would be established & would continue to increase and Uber would then be profitable with no drivers to pay. Self driving cars years off and Lyft came into the picture. Now Uber is bitter because their self driving cars are not ready and they are still paying drivers which drives them insane. Then Travis was booted out and Dastardly Dara took over. He had big plans and wanted to be just like Jeff Bezos. The Amazon of transportation. DK wants money and power and will screw drivers, riderz, fire hindreds of employees, and do what he has to do to to complete his goal and make a name for himself. Evil Uber with Dastardly Dara at the helm. Lol

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        60 Driver
         5 years ago

        They continue to invest in other R&D areas like building robot taxis and new airports...all at the cost of the drivers. 

        This may change though as the investors would like to see some profits. 

        Someone should just start a separate company that builds these auto cars, get investor funding, and work on it somewhere else. Let Uber focus on what it does now. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
    259 Driver
     5 years ago

    Good question but I don't think there is a clear answer. There are indeed lots of people who want to remain part-time, and this group can even be bigger than the full-time professionals.  However, it's very difficult to count them as some may only drive once a month or have already quit driving. (just happens to be registered.)

    Also, when we speak about policy changes and laws, they used to cater to those whose life will be affected the most and people who are committed and are in the business long-term. Hence, I feel people should be listening to the full-time drivers whose lives depend on it, and less about some people who are in it to make a few bucks here and there

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    524 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    The whole idea of Lyft and Uber X in the beginning was that it was just normal people making use of their cars in off hours to make a little extra cash. If they turn us all into employees that spirit is gone forever. Of course maybe it already is.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    77 Driver
     5 years ago

    Well personally I think giving up flexible work is worth gaining decent pay and benefits. There is a reason Uber and Lyft are fighting for us to stay as independent contractors!