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This is a serious question to drivers. I hear you routinely have 10~12 hour shifts. Do your butts get sore when you drive for so long? Could bedsores (I guess "buttsores" in this case) be a thing?

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 Posted 6 years, 7 months ago

I am sure the common answer is to take breaks and stretch.  How often would that be.  Do you guys consciously plan this through the day.


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    1602 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    If you clean/shower frequently and have fresh clothing, no.  I've driven extensively my entire life and it has never been an issue whatsoever and I'm very fair skinned.

    i have "heard" of some individuals having issues and getting sores, but candidly, these were folks that showered once a week and didn't bother to change underwear etc... during that time.

    Generally you "move around" enough as an active driver to keep the blood flowing in your nether regions which maintains your skin.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      50 Rider
       6 years ago

      eww so gross.

      {{ ratingSum }}
       6 years ago

      I feel like "driving" and "moving around" are the opposite.  Unless you fidget a lot. :)

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    8198 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    If you drive for long periods of time you really should try to get out of car every few hours and take a walk, stretch. Obviously its not good for ypur back but blood clots can be an issue. When you sit or lay in one postion for long periods especially if you are older, over weight, not in good physical condition, etc... all jokes aside this can still happen to young skinny people. If you are getting leg cramps you can also try eating a banana. If you are not getting enough hydration and are somewhat dehydrated potassium can drop causing cramps. Best thing you can do to help with back pain, leg cramps, avoid blood clots. Get out of car every few hours stretch, walk around, and stay hydrated.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    524 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    Car seats are nice and soft. I don't have an issue with it. Lots of people sit at a desk all day and you don't hear them complaining about this issue.

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    422 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    You get used to it. You build up a tolerance. Butt tolerance. Not something that ever bothers me.

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    1072 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    I'm a lightweight.  I once drove a 10 hour shift, but my usual is only 4-6 hrs a day.  (Mon-Fri)

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    398 Driver
     6 years ago

    Not sure about bedsores, but my back does hurt.  I've had chronic back issues and pain for many many years.  I have lumbar support, all kinds of products, but my back is messed up forever.  That's what 25+ years of driving will do to you.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      4088 Rider Driver
       6 years ago

      if you have not had surgery try this device. It is awesome. I have loaned mine to over twenty people with back issues and every single one of them bought their own. It works for sciatica, for lower lumbar pain and used three times a day for 3-5 minutes increases blood flow, overall strength and health of your back. You can buy here


      or here


        {{ ratingSum }}
        398 Driver
         6 years ago

        I appreciate the input. I have looked into one of these devices to stretch and also to "crack my back" at the end of the day.  $75 is a hefty penny...  

        My wife gets upset, because I still use the back of the couch. I lean back, like way back, to stretch, amost to the point my head is pointed downards towards the floor.  Then I lift my head back up, which cracks my neck and back - by stretching it.  She feels that is a bit too much and she's afraid I will get hurt (part my age)  

          {{ ratingSum }}
          4088 Rider Driver
           6 years ago

          Tell your wife it's when you STOP being able to do all that your joints eventually lose their range of motion, the muscles atrophy your pee stream gets weak, your teeth become dentures. This trueback device uses your own weight to press your torso into the Shiatsu like nodes spaced along it's length. Three minutes on it is heavenly. Your back relaxes and cracks and pops as it corrects your posture and hits those pressure points.

            {{ ratingSum }}
            86 Driver
             6 years ago

            Are you being real right now?  I struggle with it too, and I am only (?) 40.  got some years left and not looking forward to a lifetime or this back issue.  what you wrote sounds, "heavenly." 

            I see similar devices anywhere from $25 to like $100.  can I get the $25 and get away with it.

            {{ ratingSum }}
            398 Driver
             6 years ago  (edited 6 years ago)
              {{ ratingSum }}
              4088 Rider Driver
               6 years ago  (edited 6 years ago)

              You absolutely do not want to fall asleep on this device. In fact DO NOT USE IT FOR MORE THAN FIVE MINUTES AT A TIME. What happens is your back "over relaxes" and the joints along the spine get hyperextended. When you go to sit up you pull your back. And I mean bad and I mean painful. You have to roll off of the device and lay on the floor to regain your composure and let your muscles and spinal pieces come back to proper alignmant to sit up. Believe me when I tell you if you lay on this for a long period of time, one time when you sit up thinking you are fine, it will be a very painful back pulled that will take days to heal. Always roll off and relax before sitting up.

              {{ ratingSum }}
              86 Driver
               6 years ago

              how did this topic become about back. it was about butt before.  LOL.

              Done with my shift.  good night.

        {{ ratingSum }}
         6 years ago
    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago

    I take a walk every other day for about an hour and a quarter and no longer have the leg cramps I had when I didn't get any exercise. When I drove a taxi for ten years I ran in the park for about twenty minutes every single day.Getting some vigorous exercise is manditory.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    447 Rider Driver Driver
     6 years ago

    Thirty two years of driving will you the following : hemmroids, acid reflux, pain in your fingers,wrist,elbow ,neck,head,lower back,knees and ankles. If your the nervous high strung driver ,death is your pension. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago

    My lower back will start to ache - sometimes I put a towel behind my lower back to help with support.

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    224 Driver
     6 years ago

    I will point out that if your car's seat is at all badly designed you will soon find that out.

    I drive a Chevy Bolt, and it is, in my mind, the ultimate ride sharing vehicle. EXCEPT for the driver's seat.

    Too narrow, and hard sides that will press in on your cheeks and thighs.

    After a while you get used to it. Sort of like riding a bicycle after a long time being off it.  The seat hurts, but if you continue riding your muscles adjust.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago

    I honestly cannot believe no one has made a joke about "butt sores."  Everyone's thinking it, right?

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      {{ ratingSum }}
       6 years ago

      like a gay joke?

      or like getting screwed by Uber up the butt joke.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago

    wait, is buttsore a thing?