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Where do you sit when you get in an Uber?

{{ ratingSum }}
67 Driver
 Posted 7 years, 1 month ago

Front, Back left, Back right, middle? This is assuming you are the only pax.


    {{ ratingSum }}
    756 Rider Guru
     7 years ago

    Back left. Driver always protects his side first.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    207 Driver
     1 year ago

    This thread is 6 years old!!!
    as a driver, if you are alone, please do not sit behind me.  Sit on the passenger side.  When a single passenger sits behind me, I get worried that they are the one that is finally going to put the bullet in my brain.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     7 years ago

    Who sits in the back middle as the only passenger! yell LMAO

    Show Hide  7 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
       7 years ago

      That's the place I used to sit as the only child.  That's where all the parents' love is.   We all know this.

      {{ ratingSum }}
      864 Rider Driver
       7 years ago

      Manspreading is at its best in the middle.  Maximum airflow.

      {{ ratingSum }}
      139 Rider
       7 years ago

      CENTER.  Best place to converse with the driver.  It's rude everywhere else.  Just don't be the dude to sit upfront on top of the drivers' stuff.

      I mean, seriously.  center is best.  assuming there is no awkward mound and there is seatbelt.

      {{ ratingSum }}
      57 Rider
       7 years ago

      Come on! Its the safest seat!

    {{ ratingSum }}
    36 Rider Driver
     7 years ago

    Always back right, always. #TeamBackRight

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    {{ ratingSum }}
    21 Rider Driver
     7 years ago

    Depends what side of the street the driver picks me up on.

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    {{ ratingSum }}
    291 Driver Driver
     7 years ago

    I am a driver.  Please sit in the back.  No driver thinks sitting in front is okay.  I don't mean to sound rude, but that's sort of our space.  I keep it relatively clean, so if a large group needs the space, sure.  but if you don't, just sit in the back. still plenty of opp to chat.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    83 Rider
     7 years ago

    Back Left

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    {{ ratingSum }}
     7 years ago

    FRONT.  To be honest, I used to think I was supposed to sit in the front for the longest time.   You know...  like a friend picking me up to go somewhere.  

    Then as I started taking more rides, I had this weird thing going where I sat in the front if I didn't mind talking and I sat in the back if i didn't feel like talking.   Only recently I found out that most people sit in the back.   I know. I was super weird, apparently.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
       5 years ago

      This is exactly me about choosing where to sit depending on whether or not I want to talk. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
    71 Rider
     7 years ago


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      {{ ratingSum }}
      3 Rider
       7 years ago

      For us taller people,  I like the frount especially in the smaller cars 

        {{ ratingSum }}
        94 Rider
         7 years ago

        seeing how I am 5 foot 2 inches I would have never thought of this angle... Do drivers care if you get in the front?

        {{ ratingSum }}
         6 years ago

        Valid argument. I do the same. However, I already know the proper answer to this, and you are supposed to sit in the back. Do you know how I know? Half the time there is driver's crap all over the front seat.

        This isn't a judgement on the driver. I mean they spend hours in the car every day.