
RideGuru Newsroom

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Should Rideshares be Regulated?

Posted by: RideGuru Team in Driver Community , Infographics , Rider Community 5 years, 10 months ago

Should Rideshares be Regulated?

Rideshare regulation is a hot topic right now with cities (NYC, we are looking at you!) trying to figure out the best course of action for regulating (or not regulating) rideshares such as Uber and Lyft. The debate is fierce with Uber stating that rideshare regulation will only hurt the marketplace and drive prices up for riders while others love that regulating rideshares might actually be a solution to the increasing traffic congestion over recent years.

With the recent news surrounding NYC regulating rideshares, we asked respondents in a recent survey if they agreed or disagreed with cities who …

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Would you use an autonomous vehicle?

Posted by: RideGuru Team in Infographics 5 years, 10 months ago

In September of this year, along with Bellhop and The Rideshare Guy, we organized the largest rider rideshare survey to date! With over 1,000 total respondents answering a variety of questions across rideshare habits, spend, impact, and future technologies we gained valuable insights into how we, as a society, view rideshares.

One section of the survey focused on the future of autonomous cars and how riders view this new transportation technology. While many news sources and articles cite "excitement" around driverless taxis and autonomous vehicles, we found that most respondents are not ready for autonomous vehicles. In fact 64% would …

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The New Uber Loyalty Program: Everything You Need to Know

Posted by: RideGuru Team in Rideshare Knowledge 5 years, 10 months ago

Yesterday, Uber announced the launch of their new loyalty program and we have all the details for you, including how to sign up and what rewards you can expect!

What is Uber Rewards and how does Uber Rewards work?

First, it is important to note that Uber Rewards membership is free! Uber rewards has four tiers: Blue, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond. You are placed into a tier depending on how much money you have spent on Uber rides and Uber eats over the past 6 months. The dollar amount you spend on “Uber Goods” is converted into points which determines …

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How Uber and Lyft Continue to Change the Landscape of Traffic Congestion

Posted by: RideGuru Team in Rideshare Knowledge 5 years, 10 months ago

A new study revealed the truth about how rideshare companies are worsening traffic in cities across the United States. When rideshares like Uber and Lyft were first introduced, they were supposed to alleviate the traffic issue and reduce the amount of personal car ownership in major cities. 

In San Francisco between 2010 and 2016, there was an increase in daily vehicle delay hours, which is how many hours are spent the car due to traffic congestion. Uber and Lyft are said to be responsible for 51% of this increase, as well as 47% of the increase in miles traveled, and …

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Is Bike Sharing the Future of Transportation? [Infographic]

Posted by: RideGuru Team in Infographics 5 years, 10 months ago

We are continuing our weekly fall infographic series this week with some fascinating insight into the world of "two wheels". With nearly 900 bike-share systems now in operation worldwide, the bike-share boom is officially upon us.

While the number show that bike sharing is booming, according to our recent survey, bike sharing usage in the US is still in the early stages with only 14% of respondents stating that they were regular users of bike or scooter shares. On a more promising note though, 30% mentioned that they could see themselves using this mode of transportation more in the future …

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