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Dashboard Cameras: The Ultimate Guide for Both Drivers and Riders

Posted by: Sergio Avedian in Driver Community , Rider Community , Rideshare Knowledge 4 years, 5 months ago

Using a dashboard camera is definitely not a fad anymore, but a worldwide trend. Dash cameras are extremely useful to modern Rideshare (Uber & Lyft) drivers, coming with a wide variety of benefits. Buying a dashcam is definitely a smart thing to do for driver as well as passenger safety! However, first things first, before purchasing one of these devices, it is imperative to discover if dashboard cameras are legal in your state or region.

Even though dashboard cameras are legal in most states, there are still two important aspects to consider when talking about dash cam legality in USA. …

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What To Have In Your Car’s Winter Safety Kit

Posted by: Felicia Dodge in Driver Community , Rideshare Knowledge 4 years, 5 months ago

car winter safety kit

Safety should always be your first priority when you’re behind the wheel. Having a safety kit in any and every car is important all year round, in case of emergency. Winter can bring additional different challenges and dangers, so it is necessary to update your car’s safety kit every time the weather starts to turn chilly.

You can buy premade and prepacked safety kits from automotive stores or places like Walmart, Target, etc. Or you can make your own. Even premade kits won’t come with all the things you should probably keep in your car, just in case. 

  1. Blanket …
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Uber’s Campaign for Safer Roads

Posted by: Lilly Kenyon in Rideshare Knowledge 4 years, 5 months ago

Traffic Patterns in San Francisco

Over the past decade the mobility needs and options of city dwellers have evolved drastically. Before multi-modal transportation, Uber, scooters, and bikes became the new normal, commuters relied on personal cars to get them where they needed to go. Our city infrastructure was designed around the principal of personal vehicle ownership but now Uber is wanting to re-design our roadways.

According to Uber, “in the US, the number of people biking has increased over the last few years, from 45 million in 2015 to 45.7 million in 2017.” And according to the World Health Organization, “more than half of …

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What is Lyft’s New Flyte Release?

Posted by: Bekah Wheeler in Rideshare Knowledge 4 years, 5 months ago

2020 is off to a good start for Lyft. They did not take any time announcing their release of new software. The release of Flyte was announced by Lyft the first week of January 2020. The platform has been used internally for over three years and is beloved by the company. 

Flyte is used to help solve business problems that arise. As the company grew, developers were confronted with more and more issues. To tackle these issues, they created Flyte, which is a workflow specialized in organizing complex business processes so developers can focus on other more important things.

What …

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Uber is Making Big Changes in California for Drivers

Posted by: Sergio Avedian in Announcements , Driver Community , Rideshare Knowledge 4 years, 5 months ago

I have been an Uber and Lyft driver for about four years, I have seen the Good, the Bad and the Ugly during that time period. After years of abusing its drivers by massive fare cuts, Penny Surge replacing the multiplier, disappearing quests, boost zones and CRBs (Consecutive Ride Bonus), Uber finally looked like it was relenting to a California law called AB5 with some major positive changes for its California drivers! I have written extensively in the past about AB5 which would have converted every Uber driver from IC (Independent Contractor) to an employee as of January 1, 2020 …

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