
RideGuru Newsroom

Lyft Restructures and Lays Off 90 Workers

Posted by: Lilly Kenyon in Rideshare Knowledge 4 years, 4 months ago

Lyft Layoffs

Lyft has been struggling with one very important question: Can they make money? 

On Wednesday, January 29, 2020, Lyft announced it is in the process of a corporate restructuring, which means job cuts.

Lyft employs over 5,500 people throughout the company and their various departments. The layoff will affect 90 people in the marketing and enterprise sales departments. The marketing department is being restructured. They currently market on a city to city basis. The restructuring will see the creation of marketing teams dedicated to regions instead of individual cities. The enterprise departments are reorganizing and reevaluating which markets are their …

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Step by Step Guide To Get An Uber & Lyft Car Inspection

Posted by: Sergio Avedian in Driver Community 4 years, 4 months ago

In this step by step Guide, Rideguru contributor Sergio Avedian explains how to complete a yearly car inspection for Uber and Lyft! He lives in Los Angeles but in most cities getting your annual car inspection is a simple process.

I have been driving for Uber and Lyft for close to 4 years. A lot has changed over those four years, mostly for the worse as far as earnings are concerned but one thing has remained constant for drivers. They must get their car inspected yearly in order to continue driving. This is certainly a good thing as far as …

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Need Legal Advice on Driving for Uber or Lyft? Find the Answers Here.

Posted by: RideGuru Team in Driver Community 4 years, 4 months ago

Driving for Uber and Lyft is made to seem simple. Download the app, sign up, and start driving! However, there are many legal gray areas when it comes to rideshares and sometimes drivers are breaking the laws without even realizing it. To ensure you are armed with the correct knowledge, RideGuru along with LegalRideshare hosted a livestream on February 9th, to discuss the following hot topics.

The event was extremely successful and many drivers walked away saying how informative, simple, and helpful Attorney …

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Phoenix’s Sky Harbor Airport Has A New Rideshare Fee

Posted by: Lilly Kenyon in Driver Community , Rider Community , Rideshare Knowledge 4 years, 4 months ago

Uber Airport Fee

Recently Phoenix imposed a new fee for all Uber and Lyft rides to and from the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport. The council voted 7-2 for the fees to be placed on all rideshare services to and from the airport. Due to a technicality, there was a revote in December, which upheld the original vote’s decision of 7-2 in favor of imposing the fee. The two months between the original vote and the revote saw Uber and Lyft putting in a great deal of effort to lobby the city council to rethink their vote. Lyft even threatened to stop offering …

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Is Uber Just A Payment Collection Agency For Drivers Now? Must Read For All Drivers & Passengers.

Posted by: Sergio Avedian in Driver Community , Rideshare Knowledge 4 years, 4 months ago

I have written extensively in the past about the changes Uber has implemented for California drivers since November of 2019! They are seemingly positive but Uber decided to push a new PAA (Platform Service Agreement) through the app on January 6. 2020. All drivers were forced to sign it in order to log on to the platform and earn a living. Before the PAA there was the TSA (Technology Services Agreement) in 2019 and TOS (Terms of Service). They are all long legal documents and I doubt that other than a handful of drivers a vast majority will not waste …

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