Frank Pressly (fpressly)

Ride Apprentice from Greenville, SC

Video te ego audiam vos ego sentio tibi. - Cat herder - Uber/Lyft 3000 rides
4088 Rider Driver

I have been a ride share driver for almost three years. While I like the ride share concept, I truly hate it's implementation and the way Uber and Lyft have so little regard for their work force. I am for the little guy. I seek to right injustice and speak for those who cannot speak for themselves. It's usually the ones you find hardest to love that need it the most. Please enjoy my opinion and if you like (or even if you just welcome the effort), an upvote is a digital pat on the back and is most appreciated. I invite you to read my other comments and upvote them as well. Thanks


Posts by fpressly

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Comments by fpressly

  • I feel you to bro.

  • I feel ya brother.

  • You have left out an important part of the equation. All of your solutions are app (Uber/Lyft) based. How about the option where the driver makes a daily arrangement to carry a rider to work or school, many times at a discount rate of 10% because the driver keeps the other 15% he would be paying Uber. It's a win/win for driver and rider. They get what they want, at a profit (10% for rider 15% for driver)and leave Uber out in the cold.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  What's the biggest lie that a mechanic has ever told you?

    If you are gong through that many brake pads you need to look to other things to be the cause. One contributor could be the rotor (if these are disk brakes). If the rotor is worn one side more than the other or deep grooves can be seen in the surface, that will wear some pads out quick. I seldom have my rotors turned ($15) because it cost 3/4 of cost of a new one. $20 for a new rotor and a like new braking experience. Make sure your hand brake is disengaged.

  • WHAT! OMG!! The Holy Grail of ride share!!! To have a stable of 100 regulars that went from the same place and at the same time daily to their destinations. All mapped out and neatly done. You are missing out on the best part of it all. Neither Uber or Lyft or any other ride share can tell you what to do with your vehicle. You can ride for Lyft this moment Uber the next and your own interest the next. If you can develop a rolodex of people, who go to work or somewhere on a routine day in day out basis, and service them well, you can make it. You are not sharing any of this revenue with any company because it is your own private courier service. In other words you are not relying on the Uber/Lyft apps to generate or handle the ride. You've used your own resources.

    After the initial introduction to this passenger, through the Uber app, we developed a personal relationship. When I am not on an app clock, my personal vehicle coverage then becomes effective for coverage (as though any friend were accompanying me). The Uber/Lyft insurance/liability policies kick in when you are on their clock. But I recommend getting the rider or whatever is necessary (even commercial insurance if that is what is required in your area of service) to make your coverage legit. One accident, not properly covered, can wipe you out. 

    Yes, to be free from the platform and have an ongoing cast of regulars is hitting the lottery from a ride share perspective.

  • A knee jerk reaction would be to demand fare increases. I have no doubt in my mind Uber is pursuing a relentless campaign (at a cost of billions) to undercut their competition. The prices are where they are for a reason. Reasons that are not hardly gonna change for little ole me. So let's step back for a moment and reposition. Okay let's not mess with the price of rice in China. What can we do to increase driver revenue?

    Lost/Found return fee is cool.

    Barf and Mayhem awards are too.

    I think it is only fair to charge extra per body beyond the contract rider. A $2-$3 tip per each additional person should be added to bill. $25 extra for that fifth rider. Ask any driver, the wear and tear with four big people in your car is significantly greater than with one person.This is tip money and not to be shared by Uber.

    Long hauling to pick up a short trip is everyone's nightmare. Since Uber won't give you details of trip; but, does assign you as closest to the call, Uber should then compensate you for going to where ever they are sending you. Whether the victim of a cancellation after driving 20 minutes to the pickup point, or the pickup is a two miles to the store ride. So the compensation should be two part. Drivers original location to pickup point and then pickup point to destination. If the driver reaches the pickup point, they are guaranteed compensation for that leg, no matter the outcome of the ride. Whether Uber wants to eat that addition to the drivers income or pass it on to the consumer, is up to them.If Uber assigns a ride that makes someone drive twenty minnutes to complete the task on Uber's behalf, then it is only right that they cover that cost of getting there.

    I think Uber should reduce it's take from the drivers money to a strict 15% of gross revenue and look for alternative revenue streams to make up the difference. For example the Unlimited 25% Club. Pay an annual membership of $49.99 and get a flat 25% off all your Uber rides. Use as many times as you like during the membership period. It's UNLIMITED.


  • Predictive fares. GPS the drivers location plus best route to pickup. And that's what you're paid on pickup. Doesn't matter what the driver does at that point (except get to the pickup point best they can). Ride becomes a two part equation, the pickup (where he was to the pick up point) and the dropoff (After the pickup the final destination of rider). The driver is paid at both.

  • A lot of people with wide feet aren't wearing WIDE ENOUGH shoes. The foot gets cramped up rather than landing splay footed as you should. Leads to back problems.

  • You absolutely do not want to fall asleep on this device. In fact DO NOT USE IT FOR MORE THAN FIVE MINUTES AT A TIME. What happens is your back "over relaxes" and the joints along the spine get hyperextended. When you go to sit up you pull your back. And I mean bad and I mean painful. You have to roll off of the device and lay on the floor to regain your composure and let your muscles and spinal pieces come back to proper alignmant to sit up. Believe me when I tell you if you lay on this for a long period of time, one time when you sit up thinking you are fine, it will be a very painful back pulled that will take days to heal. Always roll off and relax before sitting up.

  • Well don't get "similar" devices get the Trueback. On Ebay I have bought one for $25 plus shipping. Do you by any chance wear wider than normal shoes?

  • Tell your wife it's when you STOP being able to do all that your joints eventually lose their range of motion, the muscles atrophy your pee stream gets weak, your teeth become dentures. This trueback device uses your own weight to press your torso into the Shiatsu like nodes spaced along it's length. Three minutes on it is heavenly. Your back relaxes and cracks and pops as it corrects your posture and hits those pressure points.

  • if you have not had surgery try this device. It is awesome. I have loaned mine to over twenty people with back issues and every single one of them bought their own. It works for sciatica, for lower lumbar pain and used three times a day for 3-5 minutes increases blood flow, overall strength and health of your back. You can buy here

    or here

  • I was picked up local Uber by a chubby Black girl (Regina). With a blonde wig and frilly light green Summer skirt she was quite the showman. Sparkling eyes and plump full lips slathered with a rich red lipstick made her provocative. She was talkative and flirtatious. She laughed with a stifled giggle that captured the moment. We talked for about 20 minutes about her being a cheerleader in high school and now in college driving Uber to make a little extra money. Regina turned and with a slight tilt of her head, her life story came tumbling out. It was a tale of abuse and addictions. Families laid waste. A captivating tale. The angled tilt of her head revealed a startling piece of information about this nubile leader of cheers. Regina had an adam’s apple. Suddenly 250 pound cheerleaders with facial hair drew a hilarious picture that brought a loud spontaneous guffaw from me. I had to hide my face to stifle the laughter. Thanks for your upvote.

  • Oi! That is a tough one. While the idea of being able to meet any threat with equal force is a romantic notion, it must be said, you should be able to protect yourself and remain unharmed from any assault or threat. Just because there is a possibility someone could enter your vehicle with a gun, doesn’t mean you should start carrying a gun. I have thought of the pros and cons of tazers, pepper spray and brass knuckles. There seem to be far more cons than pros. Front to back seat combat is problematic at best. Then there’s the whole issue of the assailant getting your weapon. Just having a weapon may make the attacker think you want to engage and bring an attack. I think the whole carrying a weapon idea should be abandoned. Instead, have a very specific plan of action. Execute it smartly and with determination.

    As soon as the situation begins and a threatening weapon is produced or using a tone of voice to threaten sets the plan into action. The idea is to pull over and immediately remove your self from the vehicle. Grab your cell phone and as soon you hit Park you should be out the door. Use a little cunning in letting him know what you are doing so he doesn’t over react. Say something like “Let me pull over so we can talk about it.” “We don’t need to kill ourselves do we?” Be agreeable as though you are going along. Grab your phone and get out of that car. Do Not Pass Go. Do not collect $200. Immediately call 911 and let them sort it out.

    This plan is more effective than the whole first paragraph in assuring you won’t get hurt. That car is not your castle so don’t try to defend it. Don’t even try it. Just Bail! Don’t break real hard or it could throw the attacker over the seat into your lap. Don’t forget your phone as it is your only friend in the world at that moment. But yeah, put as much distance as possible between you and that person. Then from a distance summon the authorities. This tactic works well whether you are male or female, tall or short, large or small, cat or dog.

    A good reason to put up video cameras inside your ride. Putting up a sign like “Be on your BEST behavior, the world is watching!” to point out the camera could curtail some ideas of a passenger showing out. If not, at least there is a record of it. Thanks for your upvote.

  • pet peeves…hmmm!

    Well, I don’t like someone taking their shoes off, especially when it smells like something died. Keep your shoes on buddy and if you’re gonna pass gas, have the courtesy to crack the window.

    I don’t like teenage college kids that are drunk, especially girls (18–20). Possibly the most obnoxious group as a whole (and possibly the nastiest talkers bar none). I’ll work a college campus; but, not after 10pm. If I never hear the word “like” again in my lifetime, that would be okay with me.

    Yeah, people who say they are going to tip and don’t. We don’t expect you to say it, so why lie. You got to hope maybe they just forgot. Rather than just being a jerk.

    Someone who does not speak or show common courtesy, like I am a servant or beneath them in some way. I have people on their phone when they get in, stay on the phone the entire time without a word to me and get out still on the phone. No Hi, Bye or kiss my Axe. Come on people, I can appreciate your busy lifestyle; but, I am human too.

    People who do not show respect for my vehicle. Eating greasy chips and wiping their fingers on my seats or dropping trash on the floorboard. People seem to like to hide trash rather than put it in the ashtray. They push gum and candy wrappers into or between the seats. Or even worse, throwing trash out the window can get me a fine.

    Couples who carry on their fight like I am not there. Can it not wait ten minutes?

    A back seat driver! “Car coming””Okay that light is yellow””Easy, easy on this corner””Okay, we are going to be turning left, hit that blinker””Holy smokes, easy on the brakes, you wanna snap my head off”” I KNOW there is a faster route than this””Do you think traffic is moving fast enough?”(a hint to speed up)”Other Uber/Lyft drivers drive so much smoother!” (These are all comments I have heard as an Uber/Lyft driver. geeez!! I know. Makes you wanna go postal. LOL) I am not sure why, but gay men seem to have the best zingers to put you down or establish their command of your vehicle. You can’t make this stuff up and some of it is so hilarious I write it down in the hopes one day a sitcom/RealityTV will be made.

    People who poor mouth you about not being able to afford the fare (this is usually the lead up to why they don’t tip, cuz they’re too broke you know), then want you to do them a favor, stop here stop there, take them through drive through, pick up a friend, wait ten minutes at their destination so they don’t have to pay another pickup charge. People clearly do not understand the financials of an Uber/Lyft driver and seem to think we are living in tall cotton to ask all these “favors”. I mean if you were my brother, sister, associate or long time friend I can see it; but, you are a stranger…wanting favors (and it’s not like you can or even will ever “return” the favors!!) More than once I have had a poor mouther cry about their financial woes and then go through a drive through and order $50 plus tax of food or stop at the Red Dot store for a carton of cigarettes and a bottle (at least $85-$100).

    NOTE: To those it matters, the best remedy for a poor mouther is to poor mouth them back. “I know, I know, it is so bad I am down to one sheet per wipe””man my kids are so thankful for the Walmart sale on cat food. If you drain off the slimey gravy, the bits and morsels are right tasty.””Well, congratulations are in order, my wife and I just had our 13th healthy child” “at our house we have six double bunks for all the kids, this one will have to sleep in the tub” “I know man we haven’t had power for almost a week now, the wife is cooking on open flame in the barbecue pit” One time I so out poor mouthed a poor mouther that after he had left the vehicle and I was pulling out, he ran over and handed me a $5 tip. That’s one of those little challenges that make being an Uber/Lyft driver fun.

    Yeah people can be people; but, I draw a line in the sand. Thanks for your upvote and please share!

  • Oi! That is a tough one. While the idea of being able to meet any threat with equal force is a romantic notion, it must be said, you should be able to protect yourself and remain unharmed from any assault or threat. Just because there is a possibility someone could enter your vehicle with a gun, doesn’t mean you should start carrying a gun. I have thought of the pros and cons of tazers, pepper spray and brass knuckles. There seem to be far more cons than pros. Front to back seat combat is problematic at best. Then there’s the whole issue of the assailant getting your weapon. Just having a weapon may make the attacker think you want to engage and bring an attack. I think the whole carrying a weapon idea should be abandoned. Instead, have a very specific plan of action. Execute it smartly and with determination.

    As soon as the situation begins and a threatening weapon is produced or using a tone of voice to threaten sets the plan into action. The idea is to pull over and immediately remove your self from the vehicle. Grab your cell phone and as soon you hit Park you should be out the door. Use a little cunning in letting him know what you are doing so he doesn’t over react. Say something like “Let me pull over so we can talk about it.” “We don’t need to kill ourselves do we?” Be agreeable as though you are going along. Grab your phone and get out of that car. Do Not Pass Go. Do not collect $200. Immediately call 911 and let them sort it out.

    This plan is more effective than the whole first paragraph in assuring you won’t get hurt. That car is not your castle so don’t try to defend it. Don’t even try it. Just Bail! Don’t break real hard or it could throw the attacker over the seat into your lap. Don’t forget your phone as it is your only friend in the world at that moment. But yeah, put as much distance as possible between you and that person. Then from a distance summon the authorities. This tactic works well whether you are male or female, tall or short, large or small, cat or dog.

    A good reason to put up video cameras inside your ride. Putting up a sign like “Be on your BEST behavior, the world is watching!” to point out the camera could curtail some ideas of a passenger showing out. If not, at least there is a record of it. Thanks for your  upvote.

  • Not to be confused with a fan of the Grateful Dead, in the context of rideshare, "dead head" or "dead leg" is the portion of the journey where you return to your home base without passengers. In essence you are travelling twice the miles for half the fare. As a driver, if a passenger wants a long haul outside of my area I impress on them the fact that because of geographical limitations imposed by Uber, I would have to come back empty. If a passenger wants to get somewhere bad enough, they will pay a premium (I usually ask for double the Uber one way fare) for my return "dead head" miles. With Lyft that is not an issue as they do not assign areas like Uber does. Uber assigns you to a region and you cannot receive pings outside of that area. Driving out of Greenville SC (my assigned region), I take a lot of trips to Charlotte NC, Atlanta GA, Asheville NC and Columbia SC to the various airports and would have to return empty. For many reasons, someone anxious to catch a plane seem willing to pay that premium and I am more than willing to oblige. Thanks for your upvote.

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