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What do you do if a passenger pulls a weapon on you while driving an Uber?

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 Posted 6 years, 6 months ago


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    4088 Rider Driver
     6 years ago  (edited 6 years ago)

    Oi! That is a tough one. While the idea of being able to meet any threat with equal force is a romantic notion, it must be said, you should be able to protect yourself and remain unharmed from any assault or threat. Just because there is a possibility someone could enter your vehicle with a gun, doesn’t mean you should start carrying a gun. I have thought of the pros and cons of tazers, pepper spray and brass knuckles. There seem to be far more cons than pros. Front to back seat combat is problematic at best. Then there’s the whole issue of the assailant getting your weapon. Just having a weapon may make the attacker think you want to engage and bring an attack. I think the whole carrying a weapon idea should be abandoned. Instead, have a very specific plan of action. Execute it smartly and with determination.

    As soon as the situation begins and a threatening weapon is produced or using a tone of voice to threaten sets the plan into action. The idea is to pull over and im…


    Oi! That is a tough one. While the idea of being able to meet any threat with equal force is a romantic notion, it must be said, you should be able to protect yourself and remain unharmed from any assault or threat. Just because there is a possibility someone could enter your vehicle with a gun, doesn’t mean you should start carrying a gun. I have thought of the pros and cons of tazers, pepper spray and brass knuckles. There seem to be far more cons than pros. Front to back seat combat is problematic at best. Then there’s the whole issue of the assailant getting your weapon. Just having a weapon may make the attacker think you want to engage and bring an attack. I think the whole carrying a weapon idea should be abandoned. Instead, have a very specific plan of action. Execute it smartly and with determination.

    As soon as the situation begins and a threatening weapon is produced or using a tone of voice to threaten sets the plan into action. The idea is to pull over and immediately remove your self from the vehicle. Grab your cell phone and as soon you hit Park you should be out the door. Use a little cunning in letting him know what you are doing so he doesn’t over react. Say something like “Let me pull over so we can talk about it.” “We don’t need to kill ourselves do we?” Be agreeable as though you are going along. Grab your phone and get out of that car. Do Not Pass Go. Do not collect $200. Immediately call 911 and let them sort it out.

    This plan is more effective than the whole first paragraph in assuring you won’t get hurt. That car is not your castle so don’t try to defend it. Don’t even try it. Just Bail! Don’t break real hard or it could throw the attacker over the seat into your lap. Don’t forget your phone as it is your only friend in the world at that moment. But yeah, put as much distance as possible between you and that person. Then from a distance summon the authorities. This tactic works well whether you are male or female, tall or short, large or small, cat or dog.

    A good reason to put up video cameras inside your ride. Putting up a sign like “Be on your BEST behavior, the world is watching!” to point out the camera could curtail some ideas of a passenger showing out. If not, at least there is a record of it. Thanks for your upvote.

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    145 Driver
     6 years ago

    I shudder to think about it.  Most other respondents are saying just give them what they want, but I am a female and what they want could be much worse than money or my car. :(

    I guess one thing I can do is to slam on the brakes and see if I can hurt the attacker (who I assume would not be strapped in).  It's sad I resort to that  though.

    i do carry a mace and exercise caution.  I could potentially try to open a cell phone line with someone (I have on standby while I am on the job), but I know it's difficult to prepare for this.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      81 Driver
       6 years ago  (edited 6 years ago)

      I was NOT a rideshare driver when a guy jumped on the hood of my car while his buddy was reaching into my car. through the open window  I clocked the window guy with a can of peas [that was in a grocery bag on the front seat] at the same time as stamping on the gas.  I went 1/2 block, slammed on the brakes and the hood guy went flying.  I accelerated and turned and the window guy went to check on his buddy.  

      So my take is unlock his seat belt if you can -- if he is in the back seat he might not have it on.  Give it gas then slam on the brakes.  If seat belt is on then accelerate and hit something rather sturdy - like a telephone pole on his side of the car.  When almost stopped get out of the car - keep a spare cell in your pocket.

      I am a 69 yo female and driving ride share so the option of jumping out of a moving vehicle and rolling would not have a satisfactory outcome.   I cary mace, also.  I also have a spray can of hornet spray - rather better than mace as it will blind him -- just make sure your window is open so you can still function.

        {{ ratingSum }}
         6 years ago

        This whole time I was reading this thread, I thought people were joking about flooring on the gas and then stomping on the brake.

        Sorry to hear that happened to you. It sounds like you fought back bravely.  

          {{ ratingSum }}
          81 Driver
           6 years ago

          The flooring it with gas then stamping hard on the brake is simple physics....  If you floor the gas pedal with someone on your hood or in your car [especially without a seat belt] they will be pressed back to the windshield or backrest of seat.  Stop in a hurry and there is nothing to press them back and they WILL FLY forward!  If the guy is buckled in your best bet is to hit something going 40 to 45 mph -- best if head on towards the passenger side.  Then get ready to get out in a hurry!  Your air bag will mess with him in a front end crash giving you a little more time to get out.  You know it is coming and when so you should be prepared to bug out!

          For the ladies - do cary a pocket purse or a smallish one with a cross body strap.  Have an extra cell phone in it so all you do is pull keys and duck and run!

          Yes, I do cary hornet spray as a direct face shot will blind the recipient requiring a hospital to "fix the issue"  -- not as much risk …


          The flooring it with gas then stamping hard on the brake is simple physics....  If you floor the gas pedal with someone on your hood or in your car [especially without a seat belt] they will be pressed back to the windshield or backrest of seat.  Stop in a hurry and there is nothing to press them back and they WILL FLY forward!  If the guy is buckled in your best bet is to hit something going 40 to 45 mph -- best if head on towards the passenger side.  Then get ready to get out in a hurry!  Your air bag will mess with him in a front end crash giving you a little more time to get out.  You know it is coming and when so you should be prepared to bug out!

          For the ladies - do cary a pocket purse or a smallish one with a cross body strap.  Have an extra cell phone in it so all you do is pull keys and duck and run!

          Yes, I do cary hornet spray as a direct face shot will blind the recipient requiring a hospital to "fix the issue"  -- not as much risk to use inside the car as mace which could affect driver also.  

          Best thing is gut instinct -- If something seems wrong or "off" end the ride!  Stop in a public area with your keys [and second phone] saying you heard something funny and need to check it out.  Get out, get into the crowd and call for help.  Your ride share company will have info on the rider to help the police track him down if he also leaves your vehicle.

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        236 Rider Driver
         6 years ago

        Holy moly. That is a crazy story. Glad it turned out ok for you. Moral of the story: always carry canned peas.

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    668 Driver
     6 years ago

    If you are stopped, SLAM on the gas then roll out of the vehicle.  make sure to roll as you fall.  movie hero style.

    If you are moving, SLAM on the gas, and then roll out dramatically hero style.

    Easy to remember.  Just SLAM on something.  (or into something)

    Show Hide  2 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
       6 years ago

      This is why you carry a brick in your vehicle.  Just jam it in, so the gas pedal is stuck.  THEN you jump out.

        {{ ratingSum }}
         6 years ago

        I am glad you guys are all having fun with this serious topic.

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    622 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    As a driver, your actions are limited.  People who are saying, "use your wearpon that you have stashed" are idiots.

    Really the only option you have is to slam on the brakes real hard.  Then speed up again.

    If the guy is in the front seat, see if you can unstrap his seatbelt, and then crash into a tree.  Your car may be totaled, but at least you tossed him out the front windshield.

    If the attempts fail, just blame the nerves and act innocent.  Give him the wallet then, if the guy is still conscious.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
       6 years ago

      You know...  at first this response was stupid, but then I equated this to threatening the pilot on a flight.  Who would hurt a driver who is driving the vehicle.  

      Well, I guess the car doesn't have to be moving when this happens, huh. Never mind.

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    152 Driver Driver
     6 years ago

    Drive erratically and dramatically as much as possible to attract that police car at the donut shop.  Swerve in between lanes, knock over garbage cans, peel out and stomped on the brakes.  Whtatever it takes to stand out.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      330 Rider
       6 years ago

      Wait, is this really a thing you do?  Is this a serious response?  Has there been a case like this?  

      You aren't joking, ar eyou.

        {{ ratingSum }}
        152 Driver Driver
         6 years ago

        Actually, yes, you are correct.  There have been cases where hijacked cab drivers have done this to alert the police. 

        Since I am a taxi driver, I am also aware of the mechanism called "trouble light." Have you ever seen a orange circular light on the back or the front of taxi cabs?  We have a secret button inside the car that makes the light up, and this sends a silent distress signal to the authorities.  It's a visual cue.

          {{ ratingSum }}
           6 years ago

          Umm, yeah, I feel like this is post worthy.  You shoudl post it

          {{ ratingSum }}
          330 Rider
           6 years ago

          No, I never knew that. Thanks for sharing!

          Are you allowed to be sharing this secret?  Did you just break a cabbie code?

            {{ ratingSum }}
            152 Driver Driver
             6 years ago

            Nope!  The crooks can't see it from the inside, and really, more people who know the better, right?!

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    uber driver texas
     6 years ago

    RUN!!!!!! I would first slam on the breaks, grab my belongings and BOLT it, while calling emergency 911 on my phone at the same time, heading to a public area where I know there will be other people around. Less likely for the passenger to attack with an audience, right? Oh , God. I hope this never happens to me.

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    1072 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    Depending on the weapon being used, I'll stop, grab my purse and abandon the vehicle.  The person can chase me down, but I guarantee I'll have retrieved my S&W from my purse before they catch up to me.  

    If I don't have the opportunity to stop and get away, give him an opportunity to get out and leave.  

    Last choice, but certainly a valid one, is to hit your acceperator and run into something at high speed.  If the criminal is threatening me, he probably isn't wearing his seatbelt, and a high speed impact will throw him through the front windshield and allow me an oppoetunity to escape.  If he catches me outside, I whoop his ass and wait for the cops to arrive.    

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    291 Driver Driver
     6 years ago

    If the attacker wanted to hurt you or kill you, he would have done it already.  If he pulls a weapon, just pull over (try), and listen to what he wants.  not much you can do as a driver.  You are pretty vulnerable as you sit up front,and your back is towards the crook,

    {{ ratingSum }}
    668 Driver
     6 years ago

    As other posters have mentioned, slam on the gas and go super fast.  Then slam on the brakes, so you can eject out of the front windshield.  Stick the landing, and you are all set.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    236 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    Fart. I'd fart. Immediately, and viciously. This needs to be the fart of all farts. If there is one time in your life to dig deep and summon your greatest work, this is it. Once you've got the car nice and stunk up, the problem will take care of itself.

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    864 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    Silently point at the webcam.  Maybe mention it's connected to the cloud server, so he'll get caught no matter what he does.  Just remind him.

    For extra points, say, "your mom will be disappointed when she hears of this"

    {{ ratingSum }}
    324 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    Just calm down, remember you have insurance, and give him the money or the car he wants. (or the cool Lyft AMP light)  If you get hurt, that would just suck.  not worth it.

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    447 Rider Driver Driver
     5 years ago

    Fart Spray

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    668 Driver
     6 years ago

    Do nothing. Give the douche the money or whatever.